Was God at work today?

So I was driving to a meeting this evening, after a day in the office, and I asked myself: “Was God at work today?”

I did not see Him when I came in at the beginning of the day.

To be honest I’m not sure I would have noticed, as I had a nightmare morning getting ready… I woke up late and was feeling dreadful – that must have been from the crazy day I had yesterday. Breakfast was rushed, and there was no time to check in with the wife and kids before we all headed off in our different directions. I did not even get a chance to take the dog for a walk, as I had to skim read my e-mails before getting into the office.

Now I am sure God had meetings elsewhere all morning, because there was still no sign of Him before lunch.

It looked like being another one of those crazy days as the mountain of e-mails was still looming over me. A new client arrived at 10am, and the quality of the meeting was just not there. The printer was playing up, and I just could not quite connect to exactly what the client needed.

By lunchtime I was getting a bit worried about God, and thought he had taken a sick day! I was sure that He was supposed to be in, and to be honest I was feeling kind of bad and wanted someone to connect to and get some advice from.

Finally I caught up with God in the afternoon – it was actually another member of staff that brought him along to what would otherwise have been a very challenging meeting. His presence really took the meeting to a whole new level. Even though we were talking about really personal matters, and how the business had been let down, His presence allowed the understanding that was needed for both of us to really open up. It was such an inspiration that we came away feeling stronger than ever, rather than defeated from an earlier mistake. It was inspirational, and I felt completely different.

After that I seemed to keep on bumping into Him for the rest of the afternoon. We shared a joke or two over some articles I had been asked to comment on. He joined me for a car journey and was pointing out the kaleidoscope of colours, from the intense green of the trees in spring, the flowers on the hazel, or the deep featherlike purple leaves on the Copper Beech tree.

It’s amazing that He always seems to have the time and patience to see me whenever I need Him to be there. In fact, I know that He would like to spend all day, every day in the office.

When I remember that God is in the office all the time, there is a heartfelt warmth in how I feel, I always find space in and around the busy-ness of what I do, and most importantly I’m deeply drawn to connect to love and the people around me.

He is my employee of the month, year and life!

Filed under

ReligionGodTestimonialsWork life balance

  • By Simon Williams, Chartered Accountant and Tax Advisor

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