Illness And Disease
Warning: Sympathy hurts and can be harming to your health
Take it from someone who has had breast cancer for the past 14 years – sympathy is not all it is cracked up to be. We think that people want our sympathy but do they really? What are the real effects of sympathy when we take a closer look?
Living medicine by understanding cancer
It’s time to understand cancer and stop losing the battle to fight it.
The way we are living is killing us
We consider illness and disease to be ‘bad’ but the way we are living is killing us, albeit slowly. What if they are messages from your body calling you back to being truly caring and loving of yourself?
Dare we admit that we are not so well?
True health isn't the lack of a debilitating illness, but the presence of true vitality and wellbeing. Does anything less than that mean we are in fact unwell?
Our choices do influence how we die
We will all die at some point, so how we die should be of profound interest to us … right? Let's start the conversation.
Lifestyle diseases (the way we live)
Lifestyle diseases account for 80% of all major chronic illness and disease. Is it possible there is a way to live that keeps us fit and healthy?
Living with connection
If we only focus on the physical body we are missing a key ingredient in what it takes to be truly vital and well.
To heal is not the same as cure
Healing is not the same as a cure. Do we want a cure, or do we seek to go deeper to the root of the problem, or, have we given up on healing?
What if we see people instead of numbers when we look at cancer statistics?
UK cancer talk week – Serge Benhayon lays tribute to the UK and how they make available statistics about what is really going on.
Symptom relief or healing?
Do we seek symptom relief or healing, and is there a difference?