The quality of how we live affects our sleep

The quality of how we live affects our sleep

"Each night you go to sleep with all that you have experienced in the way that you have chosen to experience it. ‘Pleasant dreams’ is therefore a choice and not just a polite ‘good night’ gesture."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, ed 1, p 302

There is currently a plague of sleeplessness and lack of quality sleep affecting many people – have you ever wondered what is going on? In this short audio Serge Benhayon reveals an essential and simple key to understanding what determines the quality of our sleep and what we can do to improve it.

60% Complete

The quality of how we live affects our sleep

We have got it the wrong way round with sleep. Find out how to have a great and regenerative sleep.

"We are to see that there is a very specific rhythm and order to how everything is indeed ordered. Sleep is to be deeply honoured and made sacred by virtue of what it truly means and accordingly what it truly brings. Sleep is not just what we need because we get ‘sleepy’ and or ‘tired’, but what gives birth to the possibility and grand opportunity for each day to hold, and that is the actions of evolution. Yes, evolution cannot occur without the true action of sleep, just like the Universe cannot exist without its entire movement returning to its version of repose, what is known as stillness or God’s In-Breath."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, ed 1, p 91

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