Why not swearing is good medicine

Why not swearing is good medicine

"Swearing carries a dis-harmony, which releases the excess, but not the emotion you are caught in at the time. ‘Swearing’ does not express what is there to express, thus trapping the ill of the emotion to then affect you later."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 263

An insightful audio presenting how simple things in life like not swearing is good medicine.

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Why not swearing is good medicine

What is the blessing we miss when we swear!

"The more you swear, the more acidic your body gets. Swearing sells you short because the unexpressed stays in the body. Express what you truly feel and not the reactions of not expressing it."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 340

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