The History of The Ageless Wisdom

The Ageless Wisdom is an ancient lineage, teachings that are at the very foundation of our civilisation.
It is our past, our present and our future.

Hermes Trismegistus
Hermes Trismegistus
10,000+ BC
Hermes Trismegistus’ – known as father of the greatest philosophies and religions on earth and the ‘master of masters’ – sole purpose was to accelerate the re-awakening of humanity to the truth of their divinity – ‘If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.’ Hermes.
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circa 6000 BC
A great Persian teacher whose role it was to shine light on the source of our ignorance and the ‘shimmering illusions’ offered by the astral plane – the shadows that keeps us in darkness and separate from our Soul.
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2600 BC
Immortalised as the God of Healing in Ancient Egypt, Imhotep was also a revered priest and scientist, a political figure and architect of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara. It is the quality that Imhotep lived rather that what he did that brought his connection to the Universal All to the world.
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Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita
Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita
2000 BC
The eternal message of Krishna is one of true love; there is a truth to love that is far greater than the ideal we have been conditioned by the institution of family to think it is. Would the way we live life be totally transformed if we were to apply this living truth to our own daily lives?
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570 BC
Who was Pythagoras? In how many ways did this great philosopher and teacher influence human life today?
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Gautama Buddha
Gautama Buddha
563 BC - 483 BC
Demonstrating his dedication to truth, Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha, embarked upon discovering the nature of reality. His commitment and dedication to that path offer us much to consider in our daily life and offer a way to arise above the turmoil of everyday existence.
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469 BC - 399 BC
Socrates is widely credited with being the father of modern day philosophy as it is from his teachings that Plato based his Academy – teachings which further students then propagated.
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427 BC - 347 BC
Plato was a student of Socrates and part of the Pythagorean lineage. To this day, his famous Allegory of the Cave still inspires philosophers and students across the globe with its wisdom and truth about the way humanity is living.
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Alexandrian Library
Alexandrian Library
290 BC - 415 AD
The Alexandrian Library was one of the largest and most celebrated libraries in the ancient world which held as its core the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom.
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c. 150 BCE
The great teacher Patanjali offered us a universally accessed codex for living, founded in the fact that we are all equal Sons of God, and continuing in exposition of the disciplines required in order to remove that which hinders our living The Livingness of who we truly are.
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The Essenes
The Essenes
200 BC - 100 AD
The Essenes were more than a breakaway sect of Judaism. This article explores their significant part in The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom.
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4 BC - 30 AD
Read this revelatory article about Yeshua, who many known as Jesus, and discover what his true purpose was – a far cry from the story the Christian Church made us believe to fit their version of Christianity.
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The Cathars
The Cathars
c. 30AD - c. 1400
The Cathars – who were they? Far from being an errant branch of Christianity, the Cathars represented the true, Universal, one religion, which has been represented by every world teacher and true master throughout the ages.
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370 - 415
Hypatia, the great teacher, scientist, mathematician and philosopher, lived a way of life that was in connection to the universal all. She was a universal role model and inspiration for men and women alike.
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The Arab Golden Age
The Arab Golden Age
8th - 13th Centurty
Before the Renaissance blossomed into its full expression, the Ageless Wisdom flourished in the Arab World.
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The Rosicrucians
The Rosicrucians
APPROX 1200 - 1700
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
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The Renaissance
The Renaissance
1300 - 1600
A rich period of history, with scholars, alchemists, courtiers, explorers, and a strong alignment between the nobility of Europe and the proponents of the Ageless Wisdom.
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Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
1452 - 1519
Leonardo da Vinci seeded forth the new era in Science, Religion and Philosophy.
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John Dee
John Dee
1527 - 1608
One of the foremost mathematicians of his age, and also a deeply religious man, John Dee straddled the worlds of Science and Occult Philosophy before they became distinguishable.
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Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
1561 - 1626
A high initiate, working in the upper echelons of the British government, Francis Bacon was a true Renaissance polymath – scientist, jurist, statesman, philosopher, essayist, and much more.
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William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
1564 - 1616
What is it that comprises the magic of Shakespeare? What part does it play on the stage of the world and our evolution?
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Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
1564 - 1642
Galileo is called the father of modern science, and rightly so. He was able to advance humanity through his observations and mathematical findings in a time when the Inquisition was still suppressing truth and free expression in Europe.
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St Germain
St Germain
1710 - 1784
St Germain’s life in the 18th Century is full of unexplained gaps and disappearances. He was a great Philosopher and Seer, skilled in Alchemy, Arts, Music, and Science, and friend to politicians,
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Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
1817 - 1862
Henry David Thoreau – rarely has there been a writer who can convey such deep philosophy with so few poignantly chosen words. Philosopher, inventor, writer, abolitionist… a polarising figure both during and after his life, he was more a servant to truth than he was to society.
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Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky
1831 - 1891
Helena Blavatsky showed that there is no religion higher than truth. She worked with the guiding hand of The Hierarchy to support The Return to our Divine nature, changing the course of world history and averting humanity from a return to the repressive era of the Dark Ages.
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Alice A Bailey
Alice A Bailey
1880 - 1949
Alice A. Bailey gradually established a working relationship with the Ascended Master who eventually became known to her as DK or Djwhal Khul; together they inaugurated what DK called the intermediate phase of a greater plan.
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Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon
1964 -
Throughout the ages there have been those who have come to teach by their living way that we are so much more than human, that we are universal and an integral part of a grand, interconnected whole. The great teacher of the new era of Aquarius is Serge Benhayon.
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