Below are the 4 different image formats available for use on the site. All images feature a 'light box effect' which means when the image is clicked a larger version appears on top of the screen, allowing readers to see more detail.

To use these formats images should be supplied in two sizes:

  • 410px X 501px (portrait)
  • 776px x 387px (landscape)

The smaller image that appears in the article is generated by the CMS automatically.

Small Portrait

Sandra Schneider

Because this element is aligned to the left, then this text will actually end up on the right of it. So you need to put an 'End Floating Elements' element in if the text isn't long enough to completely wrap the image.

To use this style, insert 'Image - Small Portrait' from the HTML elements list (the menu with the pink boxes). By default the text of the article will flow around it. If the text is not long, and you want to insert another image after wards, you will need to insert a 'End Floating Elements' element directly after the component.

Medium Portrait

To use this style, insert 'Image - Medium Portrait' from the HTML elements list.

Large Portrait

To use this style, insert 'Image -Large Portrait' from the HTML elements list.

Large Portrait (single image)

Sandra Schneider
This style enables you to 'float' an image to the left and run the body of the article down the right. It will naturally re-flow around the shape of the image as shown here.

To use this style, insert 'Image - Large Portrait - single' from the HTML elements list.

Landscape Images

To use this style, insert 'Image - Landscape' from the HTML elements list.

Landscape - Full Width Image

To use this style, insert 'Image - Landscape' from the HTML elements list.