My resurrection from chronic fatigue syndrome

My resurrection from chronic fatigue syndrome

My resurrection from chronic fatigue syndrome

Thirty years ago I was “struck down” with chronic fatigue syndrome. This was an extremely difficult time for me and set in motion the search for answers to good health and inspired me to a healthy lifestyle. After numerous visits to various doctors, I realised that I was not going to find answers in mainstream medicine, and worse than that, as chronic fatigue syndrome was not yet a medically acknowledged condition, I was often brushed aside as a sort of “nut case”.

So began my search to understand what would best support my body to regain its previous vitality. I began to learn more about good nutrition and read many books and took my first steps towards better health, reducing the vast amount of sugars I had been consuming.

The other interesting thing was that, although there were many advocates for certain modalities or superfoods etc., the greatest improvement came not from adding a food or therapy to my regime, but from deleting various bad habits from my regime. In my case, avoiding sugar, gluten and yeast produced the most improvement.

Exploring the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome led me to tentatively consider the impact of spirituality and relationships on one’s health. However it was not until my introduction to Universal Medicine 20 years later that I realised the momentousness of this consideration. The experience with chronic fatigue syndrome taught me, to a point, the importance of self-care and being true to myself, but what I loved about Universal Medicine and the teachings of Serge Benhayon was that the presentations reflected back not only the truth of what I already observed, but so much more. The presentations offer a far greater depth and clarity than I had ever found, especially in regard to my understanding of religion, medicine and health.

I am now in my 50’s and, whilst having overcome the devastation of chronic fatigue many years prior to attending Universal Medicine, have been amazed to feel the even greater availability of energy as I take more care to nurture my body and Soul.

My association with Universal Medicine has gifted me with a far greater understanding of the body and my purpose in life. It has played a significant role in helping me ditch many bad habits such as alcohol, chocolate and coffee, confirming for me that the body is certainly a vehicle through which our Soul can express and needs to be treated as such.

In hindsight, a lot of the changes have been just little things, like going to bed earlier, eating more greens and practising the Gentle Breath Meditation® daily, but what I have learnt is that it’s the little things that matter. It has allowed me to understand that I was never “struck down” with chronic fatigue syndrome, but that it was a direct consequence of my emotional state and lifestyle of that time.

Good health is not about finding that elusive panacea; it is about the daily consistency of making the right choices for yourself and knowing your purpose in life, which will lead you to a truly healthy lifestyle. In Universal Medicine terms, it is about “Livingness".

Filed under

SugarGluten freeLifestyleLivingnessVitality

  • By Cindy Morris, Naturopath

    Cindy works with people to help bring greater understanding of the link between diet, lifestyle and health. Cindy has a keen interest in the science of the body and loves to share this understanding with others to promote optimal health and well-being for all.

  • Photography: Matt Paul