
<html>Text goes here</html>

When there are more than 2 carousels of the same kind (i.e. quotes or images) to appear within an article, do remember to change the carousel ID in the subsequent carousels' code as below:

1) at the very beginning of the carousel code:

<div class="carousel slide carousel-fade" data-ride="carousel" id="quote-carousel-2">
<!-- Carousel Slides / Quotes -->

2) at the end of the carousel code, after <!--CONTROLS--> :

<!-- CONTROLS-->

<div class="controls-container"> <a data-slide="prev" href="#quote-carousel-2" class="left carousel-control"></a> <div class="index-stats"></div> <a data-slide="next" href="#quote-carousel-2" class="right carousel-control"></a>


Otherwise, clicking the arrows at the bottom of the carousel which should take you to the next/previous quote - would not function to show the next quote/image.

See example:



These tags are used to place a number or words slightly above or below the normal text.

The tag works like this eg if the number '1' is to be a subscript: Area1

And the tag allows the '2' to be made into a superscript eg: MC2

Book titles to be in Italics

Gabriele Conrad from the Book sphere has requested that when a book title is mentioned in an article, it needs to be put in italics.

She has agreed to highlight the italics so that they would stand out and become easier for us to see, and also to put a note on the template for us the CMS team with any formatting request.

The below is what she said:

So basically, the rules are that the book titles are written without quotation marks as follows and with the lower and upper cases as follows:

The Way It Is

A Treatise on Consciousness

The Way of Initiation

Esoteric Teachings & Revelations

Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, vol. 2

The Living Sutras of The Hierarchy

Esoteric & Exoteric Philosophy

An Open Letter to Humanity

The exception is the trilogy 'Time, Space and all of us’ because Serge has used italics in the book title itself.

And thus, we are writing it as:

‘Time, Space and all of us - Time'

‘Time, Space and all of us - Space'

Thank you and the team for your dedication and focus, it is deeply appreciated.

And even when the book title is hyperlinked, you can put it in italics by adding where needed as in the examples below:

The Way It Is

Time, Space and all of us - Space

Book ref in Serge quote

  • The book title to have the link to its own page on UML.
  • There are no article ready to be linked for The Teachings & Revelation Vol. 2 and The Space - so they remain unlinked for now.
  • The book title should appear exactly as its official title - let's pay attention to capitalization.
  • Also to note is how the page number appears - it is "p 180" and not "page 180" or "p. 180" or "pg 180".

I have also attached a list of book ref codes that I use, which you might find useful. I just replace the bolded bit below with one of them, and change the page number.


Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings and Revelations

Below is an example of how we should reference any quotes by Serge Benhayon:

“The ability to know who you are, is to be complete in every moment. Needing more from each moment leaves you feeling less and being less in any moment denies your true greatness.”

Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, ed 1, p 244

Please note two new points:

  1. We ask that you now include ed before the p (page). This is to show from which edition the page number refers. Many books now have more than one edition and your quote could appear on one page in edition 1 and a different page in edition 2. When capturing new quotes, where possible best to take them from the latest edition.

  2. Please note that when referring to a quote from Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II to write out the word Volume in full and don’t simply put II as some of us have been.

With love Gabriele and Nicola on behalf of Unimed Publishing


When using the Reference Link tag, make sure to change the number shown in pink with each corresponding number:


When using the Reference List tag, make sure to change the number shown in pink with each corresponding number:

  • [1]


  • When those numbers are not changed, every reference just points back at the reference no. 1 - which we specifically wanted to avoid and hence why got the code to be modified.