Carousels display a series of quotes, stats or images. The carousels are set to play automatically but can be changed to wait for someone to click an arrow.

There is no limit on the amount of things you can put in a carousel, but it is best to use restraint. Every image or phrase, though not shown needs to be downloaded by anyone visiting the page. On a mobile phone, people may find it difficult and 'bandwidth hungry' to download a the 15 image slideshow.

Please see Carousels as an add-on rather than relying on them to communicate important information.

Note: As carousels are more complicated to work with please contact our CMS team who will help you set them up.

TIP: This is a specific design for quotes from Serge. For best results endeavour to use quotes of a similar length. It is not designed for long sayings or passages of text.

TIP: This is a specific style designed to display an image slideshow. For best results endeavour to use images of the same size and captions of a similar length.

TIP: This is a specific style designed to present questions to readers encouraging them to go deeper. It allows you to link to articles you feel are related to these questions. For best results endeavour to use questions of a similar length.

TIP: This is a specific style designed to display stats and facts. For best results endeavour to use stats of a similar length.