Protection shuts down our awareness

Protection shuts down our awareness

"We don’t like feeling what has hurt us, it is the one thing we choose to not feel most. In and by a misleading form of protection, we form a guard to keep everybody out and lose our true self in the process. Should you choose to feel what really hurts, you will know that the only real hurt, is you not being the full you."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 181

When we feel hurt and shut someone out in order to protect ourselves we are doing far more than shutting that one person out. Find out what is truly going on in this revelatory presentation by Serge Benhayon.

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Protection shuts down our awareness

How we think trying to protect ourselves from hurts works when in truth it does the opposite.

"We shut down our awareness to stop feeling the many unresolved hurts. By this method, we erroneously think we have dealt with the hurts because they are not at the fore of our everyday activity, even though they are the foundation of all we do."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 372

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