A look at evidence and energy
What would happen if we were to accept the basic scientific truth that energy is the supreme causal influence upon every aspect of our lives?
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
Thinking about thinking
What if, instead of generating our thoughts, we tuned into and received them? Thinking about thinking is worth tuning into.
The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy and the science of thinking and movement
The way we move has a lot to do with the way we think – and this reader explains how it works.
The Sacred Esoteric Healing modality
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a non-intrusive, non-invasive technique that supports and allows the client to deeply rest with themselves.
Does consciousness determine reality: a little experiment in choices
Does our consciousness create reality from our choices? A little experiment that shows it does!
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Confessions of a former coffee snob
Once upon a time my life revolved around coffee. That may seem like a bold statement, but it’s true... I was a coffee snob.
Understanding the difference between purpose and drive
Did you know that there is a very big difference between purpose and drive – you can only be in one or the other. Find out how both have an effect on the way we live and discover the important differences in our April 2020 Audio of the Month.
It is important to understand what Prana is because used in the wrong way it causes great harm.
Energy, Essence, Exhaustion, Expression, Healing, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
An employer’s dream - technology to predict employee behaviour
Technology to predict employee decisions may appear like a dream come true, but what if you could already do this yourself?
Moving in harmony
There is something important to understand about the quality of our movements. Find out in our Audio of the Month for July 2019.
Healing is all about energy
If everything is energy then all that happens in life happens because of energy. When things hurt us, it is the energy that needs to be healed if we are to truly resolve those hurts once and for all.
Protection shuts down our awareness
Serge Benhayon presents how trying to protect ourselves by shutting people out hurts us even more in our November 2019 Audio of the Month.
Quantum Mechanics – the science of absolute connection
Quantum Mechanics states that the Universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration, interconnected, unified and in constant communication, where distance and time are of no consequence.
What is fire and fiery energy, why does it matter and what does it mean to you?
Breath, Energy, Essence, Expression, God, Human body, Humanity, Ill health, Sickness, Love, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
Serge Benhayon TV – Universal Medicine: Reversing the trends on lifestyle related disease
The World Health Organisation reports that 68% of people are dying of non-communicable lifestyle diseases. So what makes healing possible? In this video Serge Benhayon offers the key.
Energy, Productivity, Obesity, Lifestyle diseases, Clairsentience, Empowerment
The self-care ‘diet’
How the humble pie of “self-care” can be the answer to the Western world’s obesity epidemic.
Awareness and why we avoid it
Our August 2017 Audio of the Month looks at the power of our awareness and why we choose to avoid it.
How do we know everything is energy?
Ancient philosophers knew everything is energy, we know it in our bodies; how did modern science come to it?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Shakespeare’s theatre of the absurd
Shakespeare’s first play about the unseen world of spirits and invisible forces unravels the utter absurdity of how humanity operates under their influence, and how we so easily get lost in the tangled drama of emotional love without ever questioning its source.
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Ill health, Abuse, Corruption, Energy, Expression, Sickness, Livingness, Love, Reductionism, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Unimedpedia, Healthy living
The effects of alcohol – listen to my thoughts or to my body?
The first time I can remember trying alcohol was when I was in my early teens. It made me very sick, but I kept trying to drink, to try and be like everyone else.
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
Karma and Akasha
Karma is not a punishment but a loving universal law and great science that helps us return to who we truly are.
In full flight
Mankind is passionate about understanding life and yet appears to avoid the one irrefutable fact – that life is energy
Truth in expression
Imagine if what you thought was true turned out to not be true. Would you want to know the truth? Find out more in our very practical and revealing September 2018 Audio of the Month.
Anxiety and a ‘good’ life
I used to be very anxious. As a young woman I tried to be a ‘good’ person and live a ‘good’ life, taking on certain behaviours that I now see were my attempts to cope with anxious thoughts and feelings.
Life is more than what it appears to be
In this Audio of the Month for January 2021 Serge Benhayon presents the truth of how we evolve when we access a greater level of truth through energy.
Gravity – making waves
Gravitational waves, predicted by Albert Einstein over 100 years ago, have recently been confirmed to exist. What does their detection mean for us in a practical sense? What does it tell us about space, and about us?
Holding onto judgement
Serge Benhayon presents an example of how and why we hold onto judgment in our December 2018 Audio of the Month.
Finding my way out of mental illness
I saw the world as a harsh scary place where you had to be tough in order to survive, and I didn’t see how gentleness could help me survive it.
If humanity is intelligent
How intelligent are we really? Our Audio of the Month for April 2019 questions why we use our intelligence not so intelligently.
Will is not a choice you make
In this Audio of the Month for April 2021 Serge Benhayon talks about Will and our choices and how simple it truly is to connect with our Soul.
Science Audio
Is science just knowledge or is it also a knowing that is within us all? These free audios reveal how science is more than what our minds think it is.
The key to letting go of protection
In this March 2021 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents why we live in protection and how we can let go of using nervous tension to get through life.
Sacred movement
Are we willing to consider that how we live and move can pollute our body in a way equally as huge as the impact of fossil fuels, chemicals or urban build up?
Settling the body before sleep
In our December 2020 Audio of the Month, Serge Benhayon presents what you can do to have a really great night’s sleep and wake up rejuvenated.
Einstein – a science unified
We know him as Einstein, a twentieth century genius who revolutionised the science of physics, an eccentric German-born maverick with crazy hair, the man who brought us E=mc2.
Energy, Philosophy, Religion, Responsibility, Universe, Intelligence
Every movement matters
How do our movements affect the quality of energy flowing through our bodies?
Space – our responsibility
Space is more than we might think – if we have thought about it at all. And have we ever thought to take responsibility for how we use space, our space and all space?
Energetic integrity: a true question of public interest
The concept of public interest is a political one that continues to remain an elusive notion: although it is a commonly used term, it’s arguably the ‘least defined and least understood of concepts’, frequently exploited in political rhetoric.
Understanding is our ability to read energy
In our Audio of the Month for June 2020, Serge Benhayon presents how, when we read energy, we are truly able to empower ourselves and understand life – so why would we avoid that?
Time, Space and all of us – Space
What if space is not what we think it is? What if it is an all-embracing divine quality that is all around and equally accessible to all of us?
Energetic Integrity and the One Life
We cannot simply put on a uniform or change our tone of voice to change the energy we live in. Discover how energetic integrity affects all areas of life in our Audio of the Month for October 2019.
The Double Slit Experiment and what it means for all of us
Have you ever heard of the Double Slit Experiment? Whether you have or not, are you curious to know what it is and what it means for all of us?
Burnt-out ‘Healer’ and the Ageless Wisdom teachings
The turnaround, after a healing session with Serge Benhayon, was so remarkable it was impossible to ignore or deny the immediate impact and efficacy. In no more than a few months I had completely turned around my current state of exhaustion and ill health.
The Joy of Ageing, Esoterically – is there something special here?
What is it that people feel when they are drawn to this book? Is it possible that it speaks volumes before you even open and read it?
Pornography and the ‘theft’ of our true essence
What is the energy behind the addiction to pornography… and other addictions for that matter?
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
Awareness, Bullying, Conflict, Corruption, Emotions, Energy, Essence, Evolution, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Spirit
Are we being truly nourished by food?
If food has an energetic make-up, is there such a thing as energetic nutrition? If so would that allow us to contemplate and bring awareness and responsibility back to the ‘eater’ and the food choices that we make.
Forgive them for they know not what they do
There is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so what is the difference that could really make a difference?
What is Esoteric Massage?
Letting go of ingrained hardness, tension and disharmony held in the body through Esoteric Massage.
Harmlessness and movement
Patanjali’s teaching of non-harm is a well known precept in the yoga world. But what if we take a deeper dive here and study the unseen harm and its very real effects that impact all of us globally and in every moment.
Body awareness, Conscious presence, Energy, Responsibility, Spirit
The entrapment of circulation energy
How are we choosing to live? Are we searching for, absorbing and repeating information, or are we being guided by our own innate wisdom?
Connection, Energy, Soul, Truth, Wisdom
The lie and the truth of the One Life
We are living a collective lie – that we have only one life, that we are born, we live in a linear way as we age and then we die, leaving it all behind and never coming back, so we had better make the most of it while we are here.
We all have the same one issue – what is it?
Have you ever felt that the way society is set up doesn’t feel true? In our Audio of the Month for May 2022 Serge Benhayon presents the truth about what we are sensing about life and why.
Expression is everything: Thyroid disease & the Ageless Wisdom
Every part of our bodies is designed to teach us something about the wholeness we are to live here on earth. One of the most beautiful and delicate teachers in our body is the thyroid gland.
Ageless Wisdom, Disease, Energy, Expression, Health conditions, Human body
Understanding our food choices (part 2)
Interesting article explaining how the quality of our movements when we are preparing food, can change how the food affects us.
Being with what is – as is
Are the pictures and expectations we have in life robbing us of all we are and can naturally be?
Understanding our food choices
This is a personal account of how our food choices can deliberately sabotage our joy and wellbeing.
The World of Relationships
We find ourselves in all sorts of relationships, some amazing and others tricky to navigate. What if there is something bigger being asked of us when it comes to the world of relationships?
Our body is our guide
Have we ever stopped to wonder why there is so much emphasis on the way our body looks, when it is only one small aspect of ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Body image, Energy, Gentle breath
Speaking from our innermost
In our Audio of the Month for March 2023, Serge Benhayon demonstrates the magic that happens when we access the true voice within us, how we are empowered and our life is changed.
Work – Do we consider it a burden or a joy?
Many of us have a precarious relationship with work where we want the financial rewards and accolades, but still can’t wait to escape and seek relief in whatever way we can. What are we missing?
The power of sensitivity
In our April 2023 Audio of the Month, Serge Benhayon presents how powerful our sensitivity is and what this truly means.
Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm
Ever wondered what consciousness is, how we interact with it and its purpose? Could we be seeking an explanation of consciousness in all the wrong places and if so, why? And what if human consciousness is not human at all?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Energy, Soul, Technology, Truth
If the issue was not your parents what was it?
Serge Benhayon brings an understanding to how energy plays a bigger part in our lives and behaviours than we realise in this revelatory Audio of the Month for June 2024.
Magnetic pulls versus the law of attraction
In our Audio of the Month for September 2024 Serge Benhayon presents how you don’t have to wait for something beautiful to happen in your life. Become more love and it naturally happens!
Our Living Way: The Cycle of Life and Death and Reincarnation
Our existence is commonly narrowed down to being only about the human life cycle. What if that represents only a small fraction of what is going on within a much larger context?
Integrity in business
In our Audio of the Month for November 2024 Serge Benhayon presents where the true value in business is.
Tiptoeing around the truth
What could be moving a child to walk in a way that society decrees to be abnormal? What could possibly be under their feet that they do not want to feel?
We all want love, so what happened?
If everyone wants love, why do we fight it? Find out more in our Audio of the Month for February 2025