Has genetics failed us?

We think we inherit our health issues from our parents – that they are due to our genetics. For example, how many times do we hear or say things like:

  • “My Dad had bad teeth and that’s why I have lots of fillings.”
  • “My Mum had asthma and that’s why I have it.”
  • “Heart disease runs in my family, all my family have high cholesterol, it’s genetic” . . . and so on.

If this is the case, does this mean that if these conditions run in the family it is a predetermined destiny that the offspring, or say you, will also end up with the same health issue? Is it a fait accompli, or are we overlooking something?

Are we conveniently ignoring the fact that 80% of chronic health conditions are lifestyle related and therefore dependent on our own choices and not some bad hand in a game of genetic cards that we have been dealt?[1]

Sure, if we have a susceptible gene and it is switched on then yes, we will develop heart disease for example, but that gene has to be switched; there has to be something in the way we live that triggers the gene to activate, as the gene on its own cannot be responsible for a heart condition.

If we take this a step further we could ask, what if our genes are not the reason we develop illnesses at all; are there are other factors at play that determine what our health will or won’t be?

And so, if our inherited genes are not to blame for our most common illnesses, what is?

Has Genetics failed us?

Since the human genome was sequenced, hardly a week goes by without some new genetic ‘breakthrough’ being reported. New “Genes for Alzheimer’s disease”, “Genes for breast cancer discovered” generate front-page coverage across the globe. But take a closer look and the reality is very different, as despite all these findings we are no nearer finding a way to prevent or cure these health conditions.

Among all the genetic findings for common illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer and mental illnesses, only a handful are of genuine significance for human health. Faulty genes rarely cause, or even mildly predispose us to disease, and as a consequence is the science of human genetics being overplayed as a distraction from what is truly going on?

We want to believe that faulty genes inherited from our parents are the cause of most illnesses. After all, many rare diseases are known to be genetic so it’s a rational step to suppose that inherited faulty genes would underlie common diseases too.

The best scientific evidence in humans for genes as causes of common disease is based on comparing disease rates in genetically identical twins against rates in non-identical twins (who share 50% of their DNA).

These comparisons, called heritability studies,[2] aim to measure the relative contributions of genetic variation versus environmental variation. These studies showed that environment and lifestyle were more significant than DNA.

When it comes to identical twins we are making the assumption that because they have the exact same DNA they must both develop the same health issues, yet we forget (perhaps conveniently so) that both twins are not experiencing exactly the same environments in life – diet and emotional responses and so forth vary.

Despite more than $100bn spent, geneticists still have not found more than a small fraction of genetic basis for human disease and hence cannot claim that our genes are the reason we develop common diseases.

The most likely explanation for why genes for common diseases have not been found is that, with few exceptions, they simply do not exist.

"Illness and disease are only markers. They are but mere reflections of our many choices."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 586

Our choices impact health more than our genes

Our body is designed to be in harmony and if our lifestyle – diet, physical activity, stress and emotional responses – supports the body, then the body will remain in harmony and thus avoid disease.

However, the way we live and the choices we make are often not in alignment with the body and even though the body is trying to communicate with us that something is not right, we develop a way of being in life that allows us to cope, continue with or ignore what is going on, until one day we develop a health issue.

This is not an overnight event; it’s also not a genetic phenomenon as epigenetics has shown genetics is not the cause. Epigenetics shows that there is an influence acting on the genes that leads to the expression of illness. This influence is our lifestyle choices and the way we are with our thoughts and emotions.

Epigenetics is saying that it is our choices that make us how we are, a fact that The Ageless Wisdom has always stated.

It is our patterns and behaviours that set us up for ill health, not our genes.

The gene cannot cause cancer for example unless there is energy (the trigger) for that to occur. If we live in a way where the body is harmonious there is no energy of cancer being supplied and hence the gene, that indeed you may have that makes you more susceptible to cancer, is not activated. The gene stays dormant when it is bathed in harmony.

Is there a way to live that can reduce the impact of our choices on our body, and if so, what does that look like?

If we consider that there is more to our human being than physical flesh and bone, that we also have an energetic aspect to our being, then not only do we need to live in a way that respects the body through our food, exercise, ability to self-care and nurture the body, but that we would also need to live in a way that supports the energetic quality of the body.

This way of life is explored extensively through this Unimed Living website and here you may discover ways to develop a lifestyle that supports your being by investigating further, with an openness to what is possible when we connect to who we truly are.

60% Complete

What exactly is The Livingness

Returning to our true essence that we felt as a child and how living from that quality creates a way of being.


  • [1]

    Springer Pharmaceutical Research. Preetha Anand, Ajaikumar B. Kunnumakara, Chitra Sundaram, Kuzhuvelil B. Harikumar, Sheeja T. Tharakan, Oiki S. Lai, Bokyung Sung, and Bharat B. Aggarwal. 25 Sept 2008. Pharm Res. 2008 Sep; 25(9): 2097–2116. PMCID: PMC2515569 Published online 2008 Jul 15. doi: 10.1007/s11095-008-9661-9 Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2515569/

  • [2]

    Nguyen, S. Harvard Magazine. 1 June 2016. Shedding Light on Genetic Cancer Risks. Retrieved from https://harvardmagazine.com/2016/01/twins-study-estimates-cancer-risk

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  • By Dr Rachel Hall, Dentist

    Dentist, business owner, writer, author and presenter. Family woman, guitarist, photographer, passionate about health, wellbeing and community. Lover of Vietnamese food, fast cars, social media, café culture and people.

  • Photography: Joseph Barker

    To sketch, paint and question life. To cook, laugh and wonder why. To hug, hum and appreciate the sky, to look into another's eyes. These are some of the reasons Joseph loves life and is inspired to contribute to this amazing site.