Why are our service stations crack houses? And what does sugar do to the brain?

Why are our service stations crack houses? And what does sugar do to the brain?
Sugar has the same impact on the brain as cocaine and heroin. It has the same pleasure circuitry that knows no satisfaction, hence the ability to eat and eat it with no off switch.
There is a phenomenon that has developed recently where service stations and mini supermarkets have become little more than crack houses. Strong statement one might say, but the fact is, go to any petrol station and you will find they are filled to the brim with sugary and or salty goods. Literally, floor to top shelf are sweets or crisps, and in many one cannot purchase an apple or raw nuts – the healthiest option is a bottle of water.
How have we arrived at a situation where when we go to pay for our petrol we have to walk past aisles of addictive substances? When did this become our norm?
Our normal has not always been like this. The young of today are consuming far greater amounts of sugar than some 20 years ago when there was much less sugar in our diets.
Unfortunately for our young, this new ‘norm’ has dire consequences on their bodies. The obvious ones are:
- The massive increase in preventable childhood diseases – obesity and tooth decay. Children under the age of four are having baby teeth extracted due to the tooth being rotten, whilst childhood obesity is on the rise.
- Sugar causes increased activity in the nervous system and increased heart rate, and although perhaps not so obvious to everyone, to professionals like teachers a massive increase in hyperactivity in children can easily be linked to the increased consumption of sugar.
Our children are feeling the consequences but so are the adults.
Our new ‘normal’ is:
- Increased obesity, diabetes and heart disease
- Increased diagnosis of ADHD and conduct disorder
- Increased liver cancer, throat cancer and cancer generally.
On one of the National Health Service (NHS) web pages in the UK it is stated that 50% of these diseases are caused by lifestyle choices, therefore preventable by simply making more sound food and lifestyle options!
With this knowledge, why do we continue to allow our service stations and corner shops to be filled with the very things that are literally killing us?
We know that many in power, or in ownership of our big institutions, including where we shop, are predominantly if not solely interested in the bottom line – the profit margin. This was illustrated recently with a note in a major supermarket chain in the UK encouraging staff to get each customer to spend an extra 50p. The notice designed and destined for the staff room only, was accidentally placed on the shop window. The 50p is most likely that chocolate bar at the till!
Are we really ok with our society putting profit ahead of people as our norm?
There is actually no doubt about us as people – as a human race, generally. We naturally are caring, loving beings who really do want the best for ourselves and all others. But something has clearly gone wrong here, where food and drink that harm us are constantly pushed at us, in our convenience stores, supermarkets and even service stations.
Do we choose cheap fuel, as in sugar and salty snacks, or do we invest in slow release foods and in preparation of loving, deeply nurturing and nourishing meals?
We do have a way out of this but it starts at home, in our house, in our room, in ourselves.
Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine offers in his presentations the opportunity to stop and deeply consider the fuel we fill ourselves up with: many have learned a lot from his presentations on how to live connected to our heart first and foremost, as well as our body.
And so next time you are at a service station to fill up the car, it can be a reminder that in the same way you are in full control of what goes into your car engine, you are in charge of what goes into the most important engine that powers your life – the one that is your body!
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