Serge Benhayon – a life of detail

Serge Benhayon lives his life with an extraordinary attention to detail – from what goes into his mouth, to what comes out, how he walks, works, drives and dresses, and does so with absolute pleasure and a consistency I have never seen before.

Serge lives simplicity and integrity to the nth degree and it is this level of responsibility that I have been inspired by and have chosen to take into my own life, with my personal sense of self-care and in my job as an air traffic controller.

I could readily see how working with a consideration to every detail would benefit my colleagues, the aircraft, and me, taking into account the fast paced, ever changing and complex nature of aviation. The job naturally requires responsibility but through living a deeper level of focus in every thing I do at and away from work, I have been able to work with a consistency and steadiness greater than ever before.

There have been times however, where I have questioned if I can continue to work in a stressful, at times chaotic environment, and I have asked Serge this very question. Serge never fails to bring a clarity and realness to the situation, and encourages me to look at the level of focus and detail I work in.

It is now how I choose to be in my job that determines whether I can continue to work in a busy environment or not. And I have determined that the steadier and more focussed I am, the less busy and stressful the job actually is.

Serge shares his way of livingness with people equally and inspires all to live with responsibility. Life is amazing and I am deeply grateful to Serge for 'walking the talk' and not being afraid to share this way openly. It is indeed a blessing to know Serge Benhayon.

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LivingnessPerformance anxietyCareer

  • By Suzanne Anderssen, B.Com, Dip Av

    Keeping my sense of fun alive while living a purposeful life is key to my own well-being. Spending time with farm animals, my job in aviation, long walks at sunrise, reading the purple books, and spinach and blueberry smoothies seem to help too.