Reincarnation – bogus, or unalterable reality?

Reincarnation – bogus, or unalterable reality?

Reincarnation – bogus, or unalterable reality?

A very insightful and at the same time light-hearted article on our perception of karma, and a superb summary of our mostly limited view of life and death (and purpose, for that matter) have prompted me to revisit my own, long foregone reactions to reincarnation and the fact and truth it now is for me. Let me explain.

I used to get quite riled over reincarnation because the way it was presented would either be in the form of humans coming back as cockroaches, rats or poodles (the poodles are my addition), or in a very off-handed manner demonstrated in throw-away remarks such as, “well, that’s great then, get it wrong this time and just come back to have another go at it next time”. But what was this next ‘having a go at it’ to be based on? If we can’t do it now, if we can’t have in this life what we so want and wish, what agent or super power will enable us to do it differently in that imagined next time? Different parents perhaps? Or a different country of birth? Possibly more money? A better education? A different job? Great, possibly – but where was it all going to come from?

All I knew for certain was that if indeed there was a God, and if there was a creation and not just this bad and hopeless joke of an obviously (to me) useless and rather bleak existence, then the whole thing better be more glorious and logical than those man-made assumptions that felt a bit like a bad mix of science fiction and sugar-coated fairy tales and did nothing but project human frailties, shortcomings and hopes onto an imagined deity and assumed divine order.

If this God thing existed, then he, she, it better be stupendous – or I wasn’t having a bar of it! And I didn’t.

The other thing that used to really bug me about all this reincarnation nonsense was that its proponents seemed to all have been Cleopatra, Mary Magdalene or Nefertiti; there were apparently a few reappearances of Napoleon and I had heard of people who believed they were Jesus. It just made no sense and I used to ask people to please give me one good reason, a good explanation in favour of reincarnation to convince me once and for all that it was true – if only I could meet someone who would simply and honestly say they had been Adolf Hitler I used to think, and not all those Cleopatras, nuns and monks and famous heads of state and warriors!

Enter Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. The first few times Serge mentioned reincarnation, I was squirming in my seat – or falling asleep, depending on my form and food intake that day. I must have stayed awake long enough for some things to start sinking in though because I gradually realised that Serge was presenting reincarnation in a very different light, one that made sense to me and satisfied my need of common sense, for logic and the well-hidden and deeply buried inner knowing that there was something glorious I had missed out on or, more accurately, had cut myself off from.

I wasn’t interested in the cockroach and poodle version, the conventional religious take and certainly not the shirking-all-responsibility variance that had always repulsed me. Serge was talking about reincarnation as taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then, and only then, leads to me taking responsibility for the next turn (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next turn . . . you get the picture.

He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love; the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and evolve, to live more joyfully and consciously – and to keep building on that as the forever students on the Path of Return that we all are. What goes around comes around, quite literally!

I learnt and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known that reincarnation is a law of love which provides the opportunity, over and over again, to return to what I truly am. And even though I might not fully grasp what that is, I now know and can feel that it is stupendous. I now willingly and very consciously partake of this opportunity to go around in daily, monthly and yearly cycles as does the earth around the Sun, and knowingly and willingly I undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and don’t want to take along with me any longer in this sequence of one day following another.

The funny thing is of course that all the time, while I was waging my own private battles against reincarnation I was still coming back; in fact, hello – I was already back: just like the earth had never changed into a flat disc or swapped the going-around-in-circles-bit with the Sun, no matter how fervently it had otherwise been decreed by the authorities of the day.

And as to the irresponsibility factor that had conveniently crept into the minds of many who had spruiked reincarnation, Dr. Eunice Minford describes the link between responsibility and reincarnation very succinctly when she writes:

“The more responsibility we take for our lives, the more true freedom we experience. We no longer see or know ourselves as victims, no matter what the experience, but as the architects, designers and creators of all that occurs in our lives.”

Further reading:



Filed under

Universal MedicineLovePhilosophy

  • By Gabriele Conrad, Editor

    Working as an editor of Serge Benhayon’s as well as other books and material – when I am not at my ‘day job’ – is a huge and very rewarding part of the amazing way I now live thanks to The Way of The Livingness.

  • Photography: Steve Matson, Electrical Engineer, Chef, Photographer, Forklift operator and student of life.

    I am someone that looks at something that is complicated and sees the simplicity behind it. Life needs to be fun and lived. Making mistakes is an important part of this process.