Topic:Breast care SEE ALL TOPICS
Rise in breast cancer and Serge Benhayon’s 1999 prediction
We continue to keep ourselves in the illusion of the claim that we are winning the ‘war’ on breast cancer because we have better drugs and treatments which result in longer survival rates whilst still great many women are being diagnosed with breast cancer. Whatever smarty-pants answers we may come up with, they are not even worthy of mention and here is why…
Epigenetics, Lifestyle diseases, Breast care, Breast cancer, Women's health
Does using our breasts as a baby pacifier truly support us or our child?
Using our breasts as pacifiers when breast feeding is a fast track to exhaustion and frustration but there is another way.
Breastfeeding, Motherhood, Confidence, Raising children, Breast care
Perimenopausal symptoms – what is my body saying?
By understanding the symptoms of perimenopause can we heal ourselves and our body, in preparation for the next phase of life?
Girls mistake budding breasts for cancerous lumps… what is going on?
Research shows that 30% of girls are worrying that the normal development and budding of their breasts could be cancerous lumps. Why?
Breast cancer awareness month – is there more to current breast awareness?
Beyond thinking pink there is something women can do that deeply affects our breasts, their quality and our overall health and it’s free: self-nurturing.
Human body, Breast cancer, Health conditions, Women's health, Nurturing, Breast care
Esoteric Breast Massage
An exquisitely tender therapy for women by women that honours deeply and reminds the woman of her beauty and strength in sensitivity beyond the stress and anxiousness of modern daily life.
Modality, Nurturing, Tenderness, Esoteric Women's Health, Women's health, Breast care
Preparing for breastfeeding – what’s actually needed?
Confused about what is needed to prepare for breastfeeding? Find out what is needed, including one thing you may not expect.
What do you mean, do I have a relationship with my breasts?
What does it mean for a woman to have a relationship with her own breasts, and why would she want one? In a world where Breast Cancer rates continue to increase, is it time to consider a new way of breast care?