Revealing the truth and flow of magic

Revealing the truth and flow of magic

"Words are either an embodiment of God and all that He is or they are weapons of destruction."

Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness Volume III, ed 1, p 136

It is worth considering and questioning why so many beautiful words have been bastardised from their true meaning. Magic is not what we have been told it is, so what is it?

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Revealing the truth and flow of magic

Find out why evil bastardises words like magic and what it fears.

"Our essence is one and the same Divine beauty, which naturally expresses its own versions of the one same essence we are from. We are in essence identical, made unique only by the awe and magic of its expression."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume II, ed 1, p 443

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