What it really means to turn the other cheek

What it really means to turn the other cheek

"Be considered and respond in and by the light of your other cheek and not from the one your attackers keep slapping. By this movement you are free of their reductionism and hence your response will be your unsullied authority."

Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness Volume III, ed 1, p 147

When you feel attacked do you fight back, withdraw or behave in some sort of impeccable manner? Find out why each of these reactions is a set up and how there is another way.

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What it really means to turn the other cheek

A revelatory insight into how to truly turn the other cheek and not to react to the challenges we are set up to react to.

"Knowing whether a situation requires no action or full action is determined by your ability to observe, understand what the observation offers you and thereafter execute accordingly. No action or full action are both one and the same when it is your Soul you have turned your other cheek towards. Let your Soul and its Fire impulse your movements. Thus, move not by reaction, the impulse the astral attempts to move you by."

Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness Volume III, ed 1, p 174

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