Women leading the return to our sacredness

Women leading the return to our sacredness
Each year as part of International Women’s Day a campaign theme is announced and the 2021 slogan is #ChooseToChallenge. The emphasis is on speaking up to challenge gender bias and inequality, and seeking out and celebrating women’s achievements.
This all sounds very fair and reasonable – after all, it is calling for greater female empowerment and acknowledgment of women’s rights through decency, respect, and humanness for all equally, regardless of one’s gender identity. Yet have we ever asked ourselves what we are actually choosing to challenge? There is no doubt about persistent gender inequalities and gender bias, but have we ever asked ourselves if the struggle we are constantly putting ourselves under is a fight for an equality that does not serve us as women in our true power and expression?
It is true that, despite all the advances made, many systemic barriers remain for women around the world compared to their male counterparts. But, if we are honest with ourselves, this all points to the reality that we are missing something here and that the fight for gender equality is simply not working. As fast as gains are made in one area, they are lost in another and we are all as entrenched in our roles and positions as ever.
But do we even need to take ‘sides’ in the belief that gender equality is about a fight to free ourselves from this repressive state of being? What if women took the first step in another completely different direction?
Of course, many fear that if women let go of the tug-of-war rope they will be completely annihilated, forced into some sort of slavery and left powerless and at the mercy of an oppressive system. But is the fight truly freeing us? Aren’t we digging a bigger and bigger hole for ourselves the more we fight? Yes, we have to stand up against oppression, but let’s at least consider if there may be an oppression which sets the foundation of all other outer oppressions we have forgotten about in this battle for our rights and integrity. Are we actually dis-empowering more than empowering ourselves if we subscribe to the fight? What is our actual enemy? Men? The system? Or is it possible that we are in a battle for a better system that does not serve humanity as a whole, instead of returning to the truth we have left behind and thus we are left perpetually searching for solutions?
What would happen if women turned their backs on the struggle and the fight and instead placed their emphasis on what truly confirms and empowers them, which when not embraced, is actually oppressing them?
This isn’t about denigrating women’s rights and being subservient by any means, but rather it’s about us as women re-connecting to the power source within us all; re-connecting to this powerful vessel that is the female body and embracing our sacredness that is there ready to be lived and expressed in full without any need for perfection.
However, we only need to look around us to know that such a way of living is far from our current reality and for the most part we have become so deeply entrenched in what we have come to accept as ‘normal’, we have lost sight of the fact that we are much more than a female body to be valued on the basis of its functionality. We don’t see that we have become trapped in a permanent battle of seeking to be seen and taken as equal in a world that is not actually truly aspiring to equality, justice or truth. Instead, we live in a world that banks on the status quo remaining unchallenged due to the fact that women are not in their power and have lost sight of how to live their sacredness.
"Is there a place in this world for sacredness, is it needed?
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume III, ed 1, p 287
The answer is in the following question – when was the last time you felt so held, so deeply embodied, so whole and so belonging to and of the all that you felt at-one with God?"
It’s not uncommon for people to hear the word ‘sacredness’ and to quickly dismiss or override its significance to them personally because its meaning has been hugely distorted, and institutionalised religion especially has taken ownership and feeds us their corrupted version instead of the depth and breadth of what sacredness really means.
In truth our sacredness stems from a knowing that we are so much more than just what is seen with our eyes and judged according to the set standards of the day. Just like ‘love’ is not something you can hold in your hand or touch; it is formless, yet can be deeply sensed, felt and lived by men and women equally. Thus, sacredness is not something that is static or specific to certain people or particular situations or locations, but rather it’s something that, though formless, is alive and always there, pulsing through us. The degree to which we understand, accept and embody our non-human qualities, including our sacredness, determines what comes next as it sets us up to see life either as a struggle or as an opportunity to continually evolve through knowing that our real strength and power is formless. It resides within and not through something coming from outside of us.
"Is there a sacred place on earth (?), or, is there one more sacred than another?
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume III, ed 1, p 12
Answer: you are made of sacredness as each particle holds all the all is. Therefore, we can make life and or any ‘place’ truly sacred by our movements; by living who we truly are we make the sacredness."
When sacredness is abandoned, we leave ourselves open to being abused; we make ourselves vulnerable to physical oppression as we have let the form (the outside physical world) become the dominator of the formlessness (what is within and passing through us). This is the true oppression we have subscribed to as humanity, because when we allow the form to be the dominant human expression that dictates what life is and has to be, we become vulnerable and insecure in the body and we seek security on either side, be it through control, violence and oppression, or through seeking security from it.
By abandoning our sacredness, we authorise the form to dominate with its physically overpowering force, which we call oppression, but in truth, the real ‘ouch’ moment is that it’s a state of being we have invited in. We have set ourselves up for a struggle for freedom, fuelled by a sense of deep unsettlement and a desperation to find a safe haven where we will not be imposed upon.
In this state we are actually fighting ourselves as we struggle with the impositions we have invited in to begin with. Living in life from this position of course feels oppressive and suffocating, yet we persist in trying to make it work. But how do we turn this pattern around?
In bringing it back to women accessing their true power and accepting the subsequent responsibility that comes with it, women would be completely challenging the norms; the rules that say they need to find ways to compete with men, demand their rights and batten down for the inevitable struggle in order to achieve some semblance of gender equality. In contrast, returning to sacredness, embracing true power, and honouring our delicacy and sensitivity has no fight or challenge in it – it is a surrendering to something that can be felt from the inside and then brought out into everyday life.
"Understand that sacredness is at the core of being; it is your be-ingness. And therefore, each and every part of your body holds a depth of delicateness that is beyond human. So, go ahead and reclaim your sacredness; you will then enrich us all with more than we are."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume III, ed 1, p 284
Living in sacredness asks us to stop the momentums we have been living in and begin learning to feel and honour what is being communicated through our bodies. The wisdom of our bodies is profound if we can be humble enough to set aside the talk from our heads and feel our breath and how each part of our body is speaking to us. Over time, through practice we can start to feel a stillness in our bodies. This is not about physically stopping, although sometimes that is necessary, but more of a sensing of our innate qualities in our core, or inner-heart. If we keep listening, we can re-connect to our sacredness. It is very humbling to find that we are intelligent in a way that the world does not usually acknowledge because it is accessed through the ‘being’ and not in the ‘doing’, yet it is very real and powerful. There is no hardness or drive, only a love and tenderness we can feel that helps us to observe what is going on within and around us. The more we can re-connect with these qualities, the stronger our compass will be for the truth of how we have been living, and where and what adjustments are needed.
That quality of sacredness is then the foundation for our movements and is one which allows zero abuse. It is completely loving of ourselves and others and doesn’t contain an ounce of weakness or submissiveness. Instead, we are left feeling the power and beauty of the delicacy and preciousness naturally within us all. We feel confirmed and empowered rather than remaining locked in the tensions fed through our current model of life.
Delving deeper, we can ask ourselves what it would be like if everyone returned to living in sacredness because deep down we all, male and female, hold this same sacredness, delicacy, sensitivity, power and truth within us. If we made that our living way, there would be no fuel for the fight between genders and instead there would be the unity of humans living from their sacredness. Now that would be worth really celebrating as it takes the challenge, the individualism and general divisiveness between the genders out of the equation and sets the standard for the way forth, not in equalness, but in one-ness.
"Women naturally possess sacredness in no different terms as do men.
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume III, ed 1, p 11
Each gender is effectively one and the same or genderless when delicateness is being embodied and expressed."
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