Women, what is it that we really loathe when we loathe our body?
What are we really loathing when we think we loathe our body?
Good girl or nice girl
There are good girls and there are nice girls: are you going to be a good girl, or are you going to be a nice girl?
Fluttering eyes
What does the new phenomenon of big false eyelashes reveal about young women and their body image?
I hate my thighs
What is really going on when we ‘hate’ a part of our body?
Where is the flaw
How toxic is the assumption that there is such a thing as perfection, and who actually decides what is perfect and when? The pursuit of perfection keeps us in perpetual tension and in a never-ending idea of conforming to the highest societal conceptions in order to thus receive the greatest rewards.
Understanding anxiety and replenishing a woman's self-worth
Globally the rates of anxiety amongst women have become increasingly seen as ‘normal’. How can this situation be turned around so that women regain a sense of their self-worth and self-confidence?
Choosing a wedding dress: a stocktaking moment to connect with our body and honour ourselves
Women usually ‘know’ when they have found their perfect wedding dress. What if women used the same process to guide themselves with other aspects of their lives?
Who are the true female role models?
Are we swept along by our role models, or have we stopped to consider what makes a role model in the first place?
‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ – a complete lie
Busting the myth ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ has the potential to change everything between the sexes.
Women Speak 101
Do we discover what it truly means to be a woman from the outside or have the answers to all our questions about what a true woman is actually been inside us all along?