Topic:Stillness SEE ALL TOPICS
Esoteric Yoga Audio
Yoga is about union and connection and not about a series of movement as is widely believed these days. Find out more with a collection of free audios and quotes.
I realised there was another way to live my life
Joel’s experience discovering the Sacred Esoteric Healing modality and a new way of living and working.
Obesity, Cancer, Dementia, Stillness, Tenderness, Relationships
Why do we love Yoga? – The nature of stillness
A deeper delve into yoga, the quality of Stillness and true wellbeing – be prepared to be amazed at the simplicity of where it all starts…
In search of a new evidence base
We seem to be fixated on evidence -based medicine but are missing the one set of criteria that matter the most when testing for efficacy.
Religion, Evidence-based, Harmony, Love, Joy, Truth, Stillness
A living inspiration
What does inspiration look and feel like? Peggy Verheijen explores this question, and how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired and transformed her life.
Everybody is a healer
Everybody has the ability to be naturally healing if they reconnect to their heart centre and express their love.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Esoteric, Healing, Connection, Essence, Health, Love, Gentleness, Inner-heart, Stillness
Sacred Esoteric Healing as a way of life
Sacred Esoteric Healing sessions offer a marker of feeling at ease in one’s own skin, the feeling of just being able to be, clear of the impositions and forces thrust upon us in everyday life.
Quality of presence – reflection
Everything in nature is there to reflect to us the many and varied qualities we are and can expand. What is the quality of our reflection communicating?
The gift that keeps on giving!
Christina Caplice shares how Serge Benhayon’s book The Way It Is became her own personal bestseller.
The art of meeting someone
Enjoy and discover the power of presenting yourself just as you are in our March 2018 Audio of the Month.
The inner beauty of women: The legacy of Leonardo
Are the women of today living the legacy of Leonardo, the grace and stillness of a woman in her power? At the time of the Renaissance, Leonardo portrayed women in their power, sacredness and stillness – their inner beauty. This is his legacy to women thereafter.
What is surrender?
In our Audio of the Month for July 2018, find out how letting go of pictures and expectations completely changes all our relationships.
The five principles of God
Our April 2018 Audio of the Month shares the five practical principles of God and their application in our daily life – what could be more gorgeous than that!
Yoga and the five ingredients from heaven
Discover the true beauty in the word yoga, knowing that this quality of being relates to our everyday lives. Beginning with the quality of Stillness, we discover in this audio how it supports the expression of the Soul in everything we do.
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
I thought alcohol would give me confidence…
This is not your usual before and after story about alcohol; it is not about being an alcoholic and coming back from it, but it shares about my use of alcohol as a teenager…
Understanding the difference between purpose and drive
Did you know that there is a very big difference between purpose and drive – you can only be in one or the other. Find out how both have an effect on the way we live and discover the important differences in our April 2020 Audio of the Month.
Love is a beholding light that is for all equally. It is the beingness of knowing you are already everything.
What is a true teacher?
Is a teacher someone who imparts knowledge – or does a true teacher simply awaken everything that you already equally know?
Moving in harmony
There is something important to understand about the quality of our movements. Find out in our Audio of the Month for July 2019.
Living yoga at work – a recruiter’s tale
How do you do yoga at work without your yoga mat and poses? As Zofia Sharman, executive recruiter shares from her interview experiences, there is only one thing needed to enjoy union wherever you might be.
Esoteric Yoga: union with me and God – at last
Looking for Union – I am often asked if I do yoga and my answer has been, “yes I do, but no, not in the way I used to practise and teach it”.
Yoga, God, Body awareness, Stillness, Cancer, Healing, Passing over
Chakra-Puncture turned my life around
In this honest and powerful account of facing what is often a challenging time for many people, Heather Pope shares how with the support of Chakra-puncture she experienced a complete U-turn to living a joyful and purposeful life.
Fertility, Healing, Connection, Stillness, Anxiety, Practitioner
What does being grounded mean?
Esoteric Healing supports us to remain grounded by connecting to our own inner anchor of steadiness.
Women – unnecessary collateral damage in a battle against ourselves
With such high rates of violence against women in all its forms around the world, we have to look deeper at the cause
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Domestic violence, Healthy relationships, Sacredness, Stillness, Tenderness
Around we go! Stillness, motion and cycles within cycles
We, the Earth and the Sun are speeding through the universe on a spiral helix path, in cycles within cycles.
Esoteric Yoga
Esoteric Yoga is a therapy that simply presents a way of being and moving that honours, supports and maintains the harmonious flow of stillness within the body.
Of course the stars are alive!
Are the sun and stars conscious? Astronomy says no, but the Ageless Wisdom says yes. So let’s take another look.
Astronomy, Evolution, God, Planets, Stillness, Universe, Ageless Wisdom
Blogs about the Gentle Breath Meditation®
Bloggers reveal how it was for them to start out with the meditations, the benefits they experienced in their daily lives, the beauty of re-connecting to their inner stillness and much more.
Esoteric Chakra-puncture
Chakra-puncture is a healing therapy that restores a natural vitality by igniting the Nadis, the energetic cells, in the body.
Stillness is a quality of being
I have a disease – can I feel well?
When you have a disease, can you feel ‘well’ or do you have to feel ‘sick’?
Health conditions, Stillness, Inner-heart, Ill health, Sickness, Medical treatment, Connection, Cancer, Death
Living true authority
The meaning of authority is often that we are to be subservient to another, however true authority is using our innate intelligence to live with love and truth.
Burnout – the new normal?
Burnout is a hot topic, both at the workplace and the dinner table, but are we addressing the issue? Has being exhausted become our ‘new norm’?
Sleep, Gentle breath, Meditation, Exhaustion, Stillness, Vitality, Well-being, Burnout
Esoteric Yoga – yoga for our world today
For many in our world today, stress and anxiety are commonplace. We have lost the ability to be still and know what this is. Esoteric Yoga is a modality that returns us to the divine quality of stillness within.
Finding out I am a sensitive guy through Sacred Esoteric Healing
Men compromise their true qualities in order to fit in with what society expects them to be. Can Esoteric Healing support them to reveal and let go of the beliefs about themselves that are not true?
Hardness, Modality, Practitioner, Self-esteem, Stillness, Tenderness
Pregnancy glow & postnatal depression
What is it about pregnancy that makes a woman feel fabulous and glow? What is postnatal depression really about?
Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting, Motherhood, Sacredness, Stillness
My choice to slow down at work: Pure gold
Can slowing down at work actually make you more productive? This true story shares a very different experience of the results of slowing down.
Connection, Productivity, Stillness, Time management, Work stress
Grandparenting from Stillness
What is it that truly supports us in being a grandparent and raising our grandchildren?
The best pregnancy advice EVER!
Pregnancy is a time of enormous change and new beginnings and when looking for the best advice ever, who better to consult than a mother of seven!
Sun Shining Through
Looking outside for the ‘fix’ in life, to relieve the tension between her and the world, only to find it through connecting to the stillness within.
What is Esoteric Yoga?
Esoteric Yoga develops the quality that becomes the movement that you will magnify throughout your body.
The joy of rediscovering the true meaning of the word ‘Joy’
Unimedpedia, Stillness, Soul, Love, Essence, Harmony, Joy, Truth
The Yoga of Stillness and the factor of time
The Yoga of Stillness offers space way beyond the daily experienced constraints of man-made time. It is a space that offers us to explore and be at ease with that which is greater than us but is also us.
How has Esoteric Yoga helped in your daily life?
Discover how Sue found Esoteric Yoga to be a support to live more in her body and less in her mind.
Coming out of exhaustion and depression
How do you recognise exhaustion when living in constant stimulation is all you know? Discover those ways that keep us stimulated and away from the stillness we naturally are.
Living yoga rather than doing yoga
From India to inside, it is possible to connect to the quality of stillness within. A personal account of coming to Union/Yoga without any difficult yoga postures
How can Esoteric Yoga help with feeling tired, exhausted, stressed and anxious?
Feeling anxious, tired, exhausted or stressed are common conditions we either live with to varying degrees or have encountered at some point in our lives. This audio explores how Esoteric Yoga supports the body to become calm, rested and still, building resilience to these common symptoms.
From feeling anxious to meeting another in stillness
Are you anxious around other people? Read one woman’s experience of doing away with anxiousness in her day to day life.
What are some of the unexpected benefits of Esoteric Yoga?
Can our relationship with stillness affect the quality of our lives?
Singing from my connection to Stillness
Andrea Leonhardi, singer, songwriter and musician, shares how connecting to her body and her quality of stillness is fundamental to her songwriting and singing.
The Ageless Wisdom Teaching on relationship and the Science of Reflection
We are in relationship with everything and everyone all of the time and through this we are offered myriad reflections. This article reveals the challenging yet divinely powerful Science of Reflection.
Tension, Stillness, Sacredness, Relationships, Harmony, Ageless Wisdom, Connection
Yoga and the five ingredients of heaven
Yoga simply means union with God. Our Audio of the Month for May 2020 reveals the five ingredients of heaven that we can live in our everyday life to experience the joy of that union.
Yoga – the gateway to Stillness and Space
What is the relationship between spirit and Soul, and how do they affect the way we move and feel?
What if stillness is actually our natural state of being? A quality we can remain in touch with, through the activity of our lives, enriching our experience of life, of joy and … simply being ourselves.
What is Chakra-puncture?
Chakra-puncture is a complementary healing modality that consists of needles applied very lightly to the skin to support energetic balance and order.
How yoga supports the body in everyday life
Do you often find yourself rushing from one thing to another, yet feel like you’re never quite getting enough done? Or possibly strive to get things done to feel better about yourself?
The Serge Benhayon prophecy of sleep and repose
We spend a third or more of our human life in sleep. Our true depth of productivity can never be fulfilled because we have not understood the truth of waking and sleeping as a cycle of motion and repose.
An Introduction to Esoteric Yoga – simple everyday movements
Explore Esoteric Yoga with this experiential video. Discover how to bring focus to our body and our movements – and with that, bring ourselves to a deeper inward focus and sense of ease.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Stillness, Gentleness
An Esoteric Yoga session: simplicity and union
With no strenuous postures, asanas or movements, an Esoteric Yoga class or session presents the simplicity of union – body and being as one – for the living of our everyday lives.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Livingness, Stillness, Therapies
Stillness: a return to being
Stillness is our natural state of being, yet have we fallen for the idea that we are not enough and need to be ‘more’?
Female hysteria and the sacredness of women
For over two thousand years, female “hysteria” diminished women, misunderstanding the relationship between women being “out of balance” and the loss of connection to their sacredness.
Yoga and competition – letting the body speak
Have you ever noticed competition feeding into your yoga practice – trying to be better, stretch harder, get to the next point? In this audio Rosanna reflects on the space Esoteric Yoga offers for the body to open and shift and heal.
Women leading the return to our sacredness
Women’s rights and female empowerment have been highly politicised issues throughout time, yet we remain a long way off from experiencing gender equality. Have we missed an essential factor along the way?
Yoga – the heart of union for our world
How do we begin to address abuse in the world and in our own backyards ... and what has this got to do with the Soul, our true essence?
The Yoga of Stillness – what is that?
What is yoga? What is stillness? And what is the sum total when the two qualities are put together?
REVIEW: What Does It Profit a Man?
An eye-opening exposé of the fact that success, profit and recognition in our world today are not really ‘it’. Eight men share how they have found a much healthier, vastly more settled and truly successful way of life based on the riches within
Stillness and its connection to healing
The quality of stillness and its relationship to cancer and chemotherapy; what is the link and how does stillness work to support the body through illness?
The quality of movement and its ripple effect
What is in our quality of movement, and how does it have an effect on our own bodies, the space and the people around us? Discover what happens when we bring connection back to our body.
Esoteric Yoga – an invitation to Stillness
What if coming home to oneself and the inner stillness connected to through Esoteric Yoga has supportive consequences for how we feel on all levels; physical, mental and emotional?
Loveliness – just words or a way of being?
What does the word ‘loveliness’ convey in your mind – a same-same recipe for appearance, or greater depths of sacredness for us to go to?
Natalie Benhayon – In one simple sentence she said it all
Why waste time with comparison and wishful dreaming, and miss out on the amazingness that we all already are? Addressing the mental monster of self-doubt, my so-called ‘issues’ just didn’t have the same power over me anymore.
‘LOVE’ album review – Catherine Wood
This stunning instrumental album travels through contemporary and classical styles with an intimacy and grace that belies the hand of Heaven playing.
Meditation – the ease of re-connection
Meditation, why when and how? It needn’t be a struggle.
The Lifesaver
We all love a good rescue story, but is it really possible to save another person?
The relationship between our health and our health systems
We expect that health services and those who work within them will be able to provide the answers and cures to our ill health. But what is the part we play when it comes to health and wellbeing?