Hypatia – A Universal Role Model

Hypatia – A Universal Role Model
A philosopher, a teacher, an astronomer and astrologer, a mathematician, a scientist, and . . . a woman.
The life of Hypatia is known by many; some for her role and achievements in the aforementioned studies, others by the manner in which she was murdered by a Christian mob which is said to have marked the end of the greatly revered Alexandrian School of Egypt. Whichever may be your entry point into a study of this woman’s life, she without question successfully delivered a message of great value and with a very dedicated purpose.
Hypatia was raised by the great philosopher and teacher Theon, and her mother (who remains unmentioned throughout history). These early relationships played a significant role in what was later to become the beauty and dedication by which Hypatia was respected and appreciated for. The study of life fascinated her every cell, understanding its relationship to all that was unseen, and all that was beyond the earth; becoming a philosopher, teacher or mathematician you could say was the equivalent of learning to ride a bike for her, as by growing up in the community of Alexandria, such wisdom was a readily available offering to all and a natural part of the way each generation was educated from young.
These foundational years consolidated a platform for Hypatia, to not only be nourished with the riches of the Ageless Wisdom and all its various subject matters, but to also accept a greater responsibility to be lived within and beyond her community.
Hypatia was not ‘special’ in the usual way we reference that term, as she simply lived, without reservation, a connection to the universal wisdom shared with her, and thus was inspired to pursue her life’s activities to further teach, share and expand the access of this wisdom for all.
One of the key purposes Hypatia embraced in her life was to be a role model for women. When closely studied, the way in which history portrays Hypatia (by accurate scholars), she would today be coined as “a woman who has it all”. Her beauty has been described as one of endless depth, a grand sight, whilst she was also renowned for her ability to speak (connect) with people of any class or culture, and impart the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. She was a leader, and a teacher taking up the role of Head of the Neo-platonic School in Alexandria around 400 AD teaching science, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy.
Whichever label you give Hypatia, her message was clear – by true and natural design, women are of equal ability to learn and live the wisdom of all the ages, which in turn allows a woman’s beauty to flourish from the depths of her Soul.
From a young age Hypatia accepted the responsibility to be the forerunner, if you will, but certainly not the only woman, who at this time would represent this truth, and thus challenge other held beliefs that women were not of equal standing. It was this ‘challenge’ that was eventually a key underlying point that fuelled the lies, propaganda, deceit and subsequent murder of Hypatia. In her absoluteness of love of people she embraced life and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom to be delivered to all, no matter their class or culture, and, as with many great teachers before her, these studies were not bound to classroom walls, but were principles with which society and community life would be imbued, and by which they could live . . . hence her interest in politics or policy making that would further raise the living standards of every person.
Despite knowing from an early age that what she dedicated her life to represent would also one day be the cause of her own death, she lived unreserved and unhindered by any constraints and consequently successfully delivered her message.
Hypatia lived in connection to a ‘universal all’ that saw her embody a way of living life, contra to what was believed women could do or be, though revered for its naturalness and true strength.
She remains an inspiration for all women, for she taught that women were not to be defined by intelligence or beauty, and nor should they pursue identification in either category; the living message embodied by Hypatia showed us all that her emanating quality was derived from the forever deepening internal connection she respected through her body and its relationship to the cycles and constellations, thus equally embodying a connection to the ‘unseen’, which she knew to be the divine by which and to which we are all equal.
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