Lamb and spinach meatballs

Lamb and spinach meatballs

Lamb and spinach meatballs

Simple and nutritious with lots of vitamins and nutrients packed into one little meatball: for big and little kids who dislike eating their greens.

SERVES: 6 PREP TIME: 20 mins COOK TIME: 15-20 mins


  • 500g washed baby spinach or frozen chopped spinach
  • ¾ cup flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • 1 kilo lamb mince
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons cumin seeds


  1. Place the spinach and parsley in a food processor or blender and blend well.
  2. Add the lamb mince and spices to the greens and continue to blend until all ingredients are well combined.
  3. Roll into small balls (makes approximately 28) and fry in a heated pan with some olive oil until golden brown and cooked through. Alternatively bake in the oven at 170°C for approximately15-20 minutes.
  4. Serve with your favourite vegetables or on a bed of salad.


  • You can also add black pepper, chilli and garlic to this recipe along with extra fresh herbs or spices of your choice – rosemary, mint and turmeric work well
  • Replace spinach with kale or broccoli
  • Easy for dunking into your favourite dip
  • These meatballs can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days and frozen for up to 6 weeks.

Dietary Requirements

Gluten Free  |  Dairy Free  |  Sugar Free  |  Yeast Free  |  Soy Free  |  Egg Free  |  Nut Free  |  

Filed under

Gluten freeDairy free

  • By Nicole Serafin, Hairdresser, Self employed business owner , Wife, Mother

    I am now living as the woman I truly am, dedicated and committed to developing and deepening the relationship I have with myself, my family and friends. Life continues to evolve, as do I.

  • Photography: Lee Green