Sound vibration, science and music - revealing energies and patterns of harmony

Sound vibration, science and music - revealing energies and patterns of harmony
Far back in ancient history and in modern science, people have known about the power of sound to affect matter. Robert Hooke and Ernst Chladni were scientists in the 18th to 19th centuries who studied sound's effects. Chladni used his violin bow to vibrate a metal plate covered in sand, and mapped out the beautiful patterns the sand formed in response to the sound.
"The higher the frequency the more complex the pattern." Higher frequency means the sound has more energy. The patterns increase in complexity as the frequency and energy increases.
Tuning in to each other
Each human, just like everything else in the universe, has a particular set of vibrational frequencies of energy. Some are lower, some in between and some are very high.
If you are vibrating to the highest frequency of energy you are capable of, that is the overall energy that will come out of you in whatever you think, say and do – including singing and playing musical instruments. That's the energy that everything and everyone around you will be receiving.
Of course none of us are perfect so as the energy moves through us, there will be some interference in the purest vibrational patterns. What comes out of us will have our individual imprint or stamp on it, kind of overtones and undertones coming from our personal self. These will mix with the ones from our companions and produce a unique overall pattern. We can call this a constellation of energies.
The closer all the people are tuned to the highest vibration we can attain, the more they choose to align to it, the more truly harmonious their singing and music will be.
Tuning in to Soul
The Soul, just like everything else in the universe, has a particular set of vibrational frequencies of energy.
If you 'tune' to your Soul, it means you choose to resonate with that vibrational frequency set. Therefore what you think, say and do will be emitting those harmonious soul-full vibrational frequencies through your body and out to all that you encounter.
For example if you speak, sing or play music, those are the vibrational frequencies of the sounds that will be coming out of you. Anyone else hearing you can then resonate to those frequencies, and thus tune in to Soul too. If they stay in tune with this Soulful frequency then their thoughts, words and actions will carry the energy of the Soul, and what they speak, sing or play on their instruments will emit the frequencies and harmony of Soul.
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