Serge Benhayon – the practitioner

Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Known as the ‘healer’s healer’, Serge Benhayon’s integrity as a practitioner is unsurpassed. Dedicating his life to serving humanity he delivers ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of living that serves all equally. Serge is a man whose wisdom and understanding encompasses human existence in its entirety.
Serge walks his talk; he lives a life in the absolute integrity, love and commitment that he brings to his sessions and courses. He meets all his clients with that same quality, no matter what walk of life they are from or what they present with – be it a sprained ankle or a terminal illness, all receive his equal undivided attention. Serge’s ability to embrace all equally with not an ounce of judgement allows all that come to see him an opportunity to accept the deep healing on offer. Being met and seen for who they truly are, possibly for the very first time in their life, is a life changing experience in itself for most.
Serge Benhayon embodies the Ageless Wisdom. He knows that everything we do in our personal life affects everything – our health, the way we work and how we relate to each other.
"Everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy"
Serge Benhayon
The Modalities
In 1999 Serge Benhayon founded Universal Medicine and all that came with that impress, which initially included four healing modalities – Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Massage, Esoteric Chakra-puncture and Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy – all based on the Ageless Wisdom. Another four modalities were founded since, with more to come. In addition, he released a series of Meditations that have since been used by thousands of people all over the world. The Gentle Breath Meditation® is the best known of these.
The Sessions
The profound and life-changing ‘readings’ that Serge offers in his sessions allow the client a knowing and understanding of the often seemingly hidden, underlying energetic cause of any given situation. He holds the client in the full potential of who they truly are, meeting them in the divine essence that they innately know themselves to be.
A true seer and philosopher, Serge marries the physical science of the human body and its energetic make-up, knowingly of the fact that everything is energy first before it is matter. His ability to read and understand how the physical body works and interrelates with the way we choose to live, offers the key to true healing, health and well-being.
Serge pioneered the principles of self-love to be love, self-care before caring for others, self-care in the workplace and self-nurturing to know how to be with family and others. These profound and practical principles are shared with clients in his sessions and have since been practised by thousands in many continents.
The Practice
Serge Benhayon’s practice quickly outgrew its humble beginnings in a single practice room in Alstonville, NSW. Moving to Goonellabah he established a thriving clinic which again was outgrown in just a few years. Due to the great demand for his treatments, and seeing the need to have more practitioners trained in esoteric modalities, new premises were sought to accommodate this expansion. Unique in its concept, the practice, set on small acreage, encourages clients to stop and take in the harmonious setting and gardens before heading back to the pace of everyday life.
As a much sought-after healer and practitioner, people travel from far and wide to visit Serge in Australia and the UK. Although his practice or healing sessions have never been advertised, word of mouth spread rapidly – at first locally, then nationally and, not long after, globally. Now, with a waiting list of 12 months, Serge still turns no one in need away and often treats emergency clients in the early hours of the morning or in his lunch break, in a – whatever is needed is done – approach to helping others.
In his practice Serge, from day one he has been a strong advocate for mainstream medicine, citing on numerous occasions that “conventional medicine is an important part of the healing process” and that, “without it we are missing certain crucial and very necessary factors”.
The extent of Serge Benhayon’s devotion to humankind knows no bounds as he further extends his healing practice into voluntary community based programs and services.
Family affected by cancer
What if when we look at cancer statistics instead of numbers we see people and the profound effect it has on everyone?
Filed under
Practitioner, Healing, Presence, Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Role models, Philosophy, Therapies