Topic:Healing SEE ALL TOPICS
Sacred Esoteric Healing
A truly healing modality taught by Universal Medicine. Simple non-intrusive techniques you can use on yourself, your family and friends.
What were people’s responses to Sacred Esoteric Healing at Mind Body Spirit?
Jean Gamble’s take on Esoteric Healing at the Mind Body Spirit Festival, Sydney.
Fixing or healing – which do you choose?
Explore the difference between seeking to be fixed or to truly heal. How we understand illness and disease influences our response to it – if we see it as something that just happens to us then we are reliant on the medical system to fix us, whereas if we see it as related to how we are living then we know we can also take steps to heal from within.
A look at evidence and energy
What would happen if we were to accept the basic scientific truth that energy is the supreme causal influence upon every aspect of our lives?
Healing and The Livingness
A huge part of how we live is about healing. To heal, we need a modality and practitioner that will allow us to connect more and more deeply with ourselves. Sacred Esoteric Healing allows us to do exactly that.
Diets don’t work. Stop dieting – start connecting
Diets don’t work because they focus on food, not on the person choosing the food. We need to look at ourselves and why we might choose to be overweight.
The placebo effect – evidence the body heals itself
People often report improvement in symptoms despite being prescribed a medication that is not real. Is this evidence that the body can heal itself?
To heal is not the same as cure
Healing is not the same as a cure. Do we want a cure, or do we seek to go deeper to the root of the problem, or, have we given up on healing?
My life – discovering that there is so much more
‘I feel I have completed the circle’ – from experiencing near death to truly living in my body. A story of discovering that there is so much more to life and death.
Judith and Ingrid – the record of a beautiful friendship
Judith McIntyre passed over from terminal cancer 2 years ago last June. It took me 2 years to start writing about the deep and inspiring connection we had . . .
Books that don’t ask me to be different
A testimonial by Mariette Reineke about Serge Benhayon’s books.
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
Healing, Awareness, Exhaustion, Relationships, Vitality, Practitioner, Body awareness
Everything matters and true healing
Our September 2016 Audio of the Month shares why EVERYTHING matters and what that means to your health and everyday life.
Mother’s day: special treat or sneaky trick?
Mothers day: Special Treat or Sneaky Trick? – asks mothers to consider what is the true motivation behind Mother’s day and if we settle for this one day treat because we don’t appreciate ourselves?
Mother's Day, Motherhood, Appreciation, Esoteric Women's Health, Healing
World Voice Day – our voice reveals everything about us
Do you know that your voice reveals our state of being? Your voice carries a detailed read-out that can be easily discerned when we between the lines and feel the essence of the message being spoken, sung, even whispered!
Energy in music, Healthy diet, Connection, Communication, Awareness, Healing
The Sacred Esoteric Healing modality
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a non-intrusive, non-invasive technique that supports and allows the client to deeply rest with themselves.
Apparently I have cancer
I have been diagnosed with cancer, but most days I forget I have such a diagnosis because I feel so much vitality in my body, and life for me just goes on as if I do not have a terminal disease.
Cancer, Healing, Health conditions, Lifestyle diseases, Palliative care
Making a difference by implementing energetic integrity in healing.
Practitioner Mary Louise Myers experiences first-hand how implementing energetic responsibility and integrity into her life brings a whole new dimension of true healing.
Serge Benhayon – understanding true healing and the role of the client
Too often practitioners forget the important role the client has to play in their own healing. Serge Benhayon takes our understanding of the client/practitioner relationship to a new level
A 180 degree turn around
Karin Becker is recounting her healing of 6 years of post-traumatic stress disorder due to cancer death in the family.
Practitioner, Presence, Overwhelm, Miracle, Exhaustion, Healing
Redefining creativity … a career re-ignited
Meeting Serge Benhayon in 2001 ultimately change my creative expression through and through.
Healing, Practitioner, Meditation, Livingness, Empowerment, Role models
How do Universal Medicine Therapies work?
Imagine a therapy where no one is ‘fixing’ you – but simply supporting you to feel the grandness that you actually already are. Universal Medicine Therapies are no fix – the practitioner offers a quality that the client can then connect to within themselves.
Everybody is a healer
Everybody has the ability to be naturally healing if they reconnect to their heart centre and express their love.
The history of Sacred Esoteric Healing
A brief review of the history of Sacred Esoteric Healing, stating that true healing of an ill has always encompassed more than just the removal of symptoms but rather is the removal of the energy that causes the symptoms.
Lineage, Evolution, Awareness, Cycles, Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Intelligence
Where can you train In Sacred Esoteric Healing?
Sacred Esoteric Healing Training and course information
Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Career, Education, Livingness, Training, Therapies
How do I become a practitioner of Sacred Esoteric Healing?
An article that discusses the training and integrity requirements to become a practitioner in Sacred Esoteric Healing
Counseling, Training, Practitioner, Inner-heart, Healing, Harmony, Esoteric
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Esoteric, Healing, Connection, Essence, Health, Love, Gentleness, Inner-heart, Stillness
What is the ‘Sacred’ in ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’?
The ‘Sacred’ in Sacred Esoteric Healing is represented when a practitioner of this modality lives with the commitment and intention of Energetic integrity and Energetic Responsibility.
Love, Ageless Wisdom, Healing, Sacredness, Esoteric, Soul, Intelligence
What is healing?
What is healing and does it really fix stuff? Why is healing more powerful than a cure?
What do our quick fixes actually do to us?
A discussion on what are quick fixes, the concept of symptom matching and the possibility of finding true healing.
Sacred Esoteric Healing as a way of life
Sacred Esoteric Healing sessions offer a marker of feeling at ease in one’s own skin, the feeling of just being able to be, clear of the impositions and forces thrust upon us in everyday life.
Look closely ... now look even closer ... who is running who? Who is in charge?
Is your life running you? A sharing by Otto about his experiences with Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Before, during and after Sacred Esoteric Healing
A testimonial expressing the deep tenderness experienced in sessions and the profound changes Rachael has experienced in her life from healing through Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.
Sacred Esoteric Healing and how it changed my life
How Sacred Esoteric Healing changed my life and helped me cure my depression – making me feel alive and energised again.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – A gift from heaven
A practitioner’s testimonial about the modality Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Being a Sacred Esoteric Healing practitioner is not just for treatment rooms
A practitioner’s story of her work with Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Serge Benhayon – a man who presents the truth
Is it possible that truth can be presented in an all-encompassing, universal way that is applicable to all and yet totally relevant and practical for each one of us? Read one woman’s testimony to Serge Benhayon as a man who presents the truth.
Wisdom, Philosophy, Education, Healing, Lifestyle, Ageless Wisdom
A willingness to heal – what is it to have a willingness to heal?
A willingness to heal can come from a moment where you recognise that you have to ask for help, to admit that something is wrong and that you require some care and support
Therapies, Soul, Medicine, Sickness, Human body, Healing, Evolution
Perception is our true intelligence – understanding life spherically
“Our hurts or the trauma we experience are never greater than us”. Serge Benhayon speaks of healing from trauma, the importance of dealing with our hurts, and the benefit of approaching life as a cycle or rhythm.
Self-care: The bridge back to Universal Love
We think of self-care as something we need to do, so that our human body can function better. There is a basic truth to this, but what if self-care is just not an end in itself but a doorway, a bridge back to the magnificence of who we truly are, to Universal Love?
Introduction to chronic pain management
Chronic pain is in epidemic proportions – in Australia 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain. Kate Greenaway, a physiotherapist, describes a fresh approach to pain management.
Body awareness, Healing, Pain, Universal Medicine, Connective tissue, Back pain
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Health, Healing, Universal Medicine, Awareness, Health conditions, Hardness, Heart disease
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
Marijuana – not as harmful as alcohol?
When I realised how alcohol was affecting me, I started to look for another drug. Marijuana was readily available, cheap and did not impact on my behaviour in the same way alcohol did, or so I thought at the time.
Mental Illness and Mental Wellness … should we differentiate?
Is our marker for mental illness limiting humanity as a whole? This article explores the much needed differentiation between mental illness and mental wellness.
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Anxiety in relationships
Are we living with increased anxiety and being oblivious to how this is affecting our relationships?
Anxiety, Conscious presence, Feelings, Healing, Relationship problems
There is no such thing as an ‘alternative’ to medicine
‘Alternative medicine’ is a term that is often associated with many practices of variable efficacy, questionable ethics and sensibility. Many doctors do not recommend that people seek assistance for their health care only in ‘alternative medicine’, as the results are variable.
Should we re-consider what illness and disease mean for us?
How do we see illness and disease? Do we see it as a final point, something that is a curse, or something that is healing, and returning us back to who we truly are?
Disease, Ill health, Sickness, Health, Body awareness, Healing
Health and healing
How do we understand good health and are we truly healthy? Is there more to good health than just not having a disease? To have truly good health we need to heal what is going on for us.
It is important to understand what Prana is because used in the wrong way it causes great harm.
Energy, Essence, Exhaustion, Expression, Healing, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
Sugar, exercise and obesity: Let’s get real
This article looks at the cause of being overweight and obese. Is sugar a factor? Is lack of exercise a factor?
Life after crutches
The amazing story of an older woman’s journey from searching for healing and needing all sorts of crutches to get through life, to learning that what she truly needed was connection to her own soul.
Healing, Self-empowerment, Ageless Wisdom, Health conditions, Human body
Oops! Embracing our mistakes is self-care
Giving ourselves a hard time for the mistakes we’ve made is just another form of self-abuse. Could celebrating them for the learning they bring be part of our self-care?
Introduction to Esoteric Massage
Brief introduction to Esoteric Massage
Esoteric, Massage, Harmony, Healing, Hardness, Tension, Surrender
Healing is all about energy
If everything is energy then all that happens in life happens because of energy. When things hurt us, it is the energy that needs to be healed if we are to truly resolve those hurts once and for all.
What does being grounded mean?
Esoteric Healing supports us to remain grounded by connecting to our own inner anchor of steadiness.
Chakra-Puncture turned my life around
In this honest and powerful account of facing what is often a challenging time for many people, Heather Pope shares how with the support of Chakra-puncture she experienced a complete U-turn to living a joyful and purposeful life.
Fertility, Healing, Connection, Stillness, Anxiety, Practitioner
Can Universal Medicine Therapies cure cancer?
Universal Medicine Therapies offer no cure. Read on to find out what a cure actually is and why these therapies have no interest in or purpose to offer that.
Disease, Healing, Harmony, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Therapies
Healing: should I be suspicious?
Is ‘Healing’ something that is not real or should we be suspicious? Is there a true form of healing to be embraced by all?
Living Medicine – alternative, complementary or universal medicine and what’s the difference?
What’s the difference between alternative and complementary medicine? Is there an even grander form of medicine that is universal?
A skin rash tells its story
What if a skin rash could tell its story of what it’s like being a rash all over its host – that is, a human body? Joan Calder offers us this tantalising article and insight into how she overcame a painful skin rash and what she learnt along the way about herself.
Inflammation, Self-love, Healing, Human body, Health conditions, Ill health
This book has become part of my daily rhythm and this is a huge support
Bianca Barban describes how Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy, the Sayings has become a part of her daily rhythm and a huge support in her life.
Ageless Wisdom, Harmony, Healing, Wisdom, Testimonials, Inner-heart
Combining sacred esoteric healing with medicine
To truly heal illness and disease do we need more than conventional medicine alone?
Why can’t we say ‘healing’ in conventional medicine?
Healing is something natural and innate, so why don’t doctors like or trust the word healing? Has the word ‘healing’ been bastardised?
The Four Pillars of Evolution
When one is looking to evolve, stop and pause, consider the teachings summarised in this article. Here is a simple prompt that will expose the ways of keeping us small and centric whilst offering a way of living that will be universal and serving.
Sailing around the world... to come home to myself
Rosie grew up on a yacht, sailing around the world, only to find that the home she was truly searching for lay waiting for her, all along...
Education, Healing, Therapies, Universal Medicine, Healthy diet, Self-love, Massage, Career
Healing and religion: a true relationship
Did you ever imagine the relationship between healing and religion could be inextricably linked? What is it we have missed then in our understanding of these two words.
Healing, Religion, Healthy relationships, Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Health
Desperately Seeking Dorothy – from the New Age to Sai Baba to Serge Benhayon
Every day I celebrate the day I found my way to Jeanette Macdonald and the book that opened the doorway that I had been endlessly searching for, a doorway that led me to the amazing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine . . . and to finally finding Dorothy . . .
Healing Audio
Healing is not about curing or removing symptoms and nobody can heal you. So what is healing and how do we heal? Find out more with this collection of free audio.
True philosophy and true religion – this is it
Maryline Decompoix shares her experience of reading The Way It Is
Why don’t I feel well? Is illness or disease just a random event?
Why don’t we feel well? Is it random, or a curse, or is it a result of something we have done, and if so, do we have the power to change the way that we feel?
Zoochosis – a very human condition
Zoochosis doesn’t just affect captive animals. What if this man-made disease stemmed from our own captive distress?
Restoring balance in the body does not work: Supporting its healing does work
To revolutionise our failing health care system we need practitioners to assist clients to heal, not to ‘cure’ them, and for both practitioners and clients to take more responsibility with living in a more gentle and self-caring way.
From Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome to regular periods through Esoteric Healing
From Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, back ache and feeling sluggish, read how Jessica received a new lease on life through the Esoteric Modalities.
Healing, Menstrual cycle, Menstrual pain, Losing weight, Libido, Back pain
The way we are living is killing us
We consider illness and disease to be ‘bad’ but the way we are living is killing us, albeit slowly. What if they are messages from your body calling you back to being truly caring and loving of yourself?
Health conditions, Lifestyle, Healing, Heart disease, Emotions, Death
Lifestyle diseases (the way we live)
Lifestyle diseases account for 80% of all major chronic illness and disease. Is it possible there is a way to live that keeps us fit and healthy?
Self-love, Empowerment, Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Healing, Death, Healthy living
The identification of dealing drugs
Growing up, drugs were never really spoken about; they were considered bad and for those who did not achieve much in life. Yet among my extended family, drug use was commonplace.
How Sacred Esoteric Healing helped support me through breast cancer
How Sacred Esoteric Healing supported Lee-Ann through her medical treatment of breast cancer.
Practitioner, Universal Medicine, Healing, Inflammation, Breast cancer
A Healing Journey through Music: playing the cello and RSI
Why is RSI such a chronic problem among string players within the music world? Cellist Rebecca Turner turns around physical and emotional pain and re-invents her life in a remarkable healing journey.
The price of being the berry on the blancmange
A personal and insightful article about healing from the anxiety of being controlled by the smothering demands of a needy mother.
Anxiety, Awareness, Feelings, Healing, Psychology, Relationships
Karma is a bitch
Karma is a form of payback or punishment and therefore something to be feared . . . or is it?
About Serge Benhayon
After suffering from depression and giving up on the idea that life could ever be different or ‘better, Gabriele Conrad met Serge Benhayon. “Nothing and nobody had delivered, not even psychoanalysis and homoeopathy, and no bodywork modality or new age therapy had done the trick either.”
Healing, Depression, Ageless Wisdom, Medicine, Universal Medicine
Esoteric Yoga: union with me and God – at last
Looking for Union – I am often asked if I do yoga and my answer has been, “yes I do, but no, not in the way I used to practise and teach it”.
Yoga, God, Body awareness, Stillness, Cancer, Healing, Passing over
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Addiction, Anxiety, Confidence, Drugs, Connection, Hurt, Healing, Alcohol, Gentle breath
From alcohol and marijuana to embracing our sensitivity
We may turn to alcohol or marijuana as a way to medicate or to escape from the world, but we do not escape at all nor are we offered any healing. Is there an alternative to help ease our emotional pain?
Abuse, Alcohol, Drugs, Hurt, Emotions, Essence, Healing, Love
The deadly danger of words - should we be licensed to speak?
Sticks and stones can only break your bones, but words can kill and destroy billions of people. Do we need a license to speak?
Accountability, Expression, Healing, Philosophy, Unimedpedia
Smoking dope (marijuana)
Marijuana came into my life as a relief from the feeling of tiredness through lack of sleep and a continual bombardment of thoughts and the feeling of everything coming in on me. I was not happy, work was drudgery and I was after an escape from this cell that was my life.
Addiction, Drugs, Heart disease, Insomnia, Sleep, Alcohol, Love, Hurt, Healing, Exhaustion
‘Wasted’ is a term we would use when we got stoned. We could sit around for hours smoking pot and doing nothing. ‘Wasted’ couldn’t be a better word to use.
What is Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy?
A simple, yet powerfully effective treatment that works directly with the energy flowing through the connective tissue system
Karma and Akasha
Karma is not a punishment but a loving universal law and great science that helps us return to who we truly are.
Did you know – expression can be harming or healing?
Did You Know that our expression can either be harming or healing and that we are responsible for the quality and integrity of how we communicate?
Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to serving humanity delivering ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of life that serves all equally. His wisdom encompasses human existence in its entirety.
Practitioner, Healing, Presence, Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Role models, Philosophy, Therapies
Living Medicine Audio
This priceless collection of free Living Medicine audio and quotes offers us a great understanding and healing about our amazing bodies and the wisdom they carry.
Free downloads, Body awareness, Cancer, Healing, Human body, Medicine, Universal Medicine, Ill health
The Esoteric – the umbilical cord to God
Could it be that the esoteric, when followed, is our living connection back to the Body of God?
Universal Medicine Therapies
Universal Medicine Therapies are popular healing modalities that are being practised all over the world, not only by complementary to medicine practitioners but professionals from all walks of life.
Counseling, Education, Healing, Lifestyle diseases, Medicine, Therapies
“Souvenirs of Love” – what is love truly and what is keeping us from living it?
Our natural state of being is Love. So why are we insisting on holding on to hurts, making them more important than living who we truly are.
Bringing death and dying to our daily conversations
Does talking about death and dying at our dinner table have to make for a macabre affair? Or could it be a profound conversation where we can learn so much more about life and ourselves?
Sacred Esoteric Healing – True health care
This is a personal account of how the Esoteric Healing modalities brought a new level of integrity to daily life and professional practice.
Change your life
Too frequently we live in a way resigned to our behaviours and thus resigned to the belief that “this is just the way life is”. Are you open to knowing that there is another way…
Acceptance, Awareness, Communication, Empowerment, Feelings, Healing, Healthy relationships, Mental health
A Serge Benhayon quote – life-changing and ever-lasting
The Way of The Livingness, while being the true religion for mankind, is superbly practical, down to earth and immediately applicable in everyday life.
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about Anxiety
Watch this short video on the cause of anxiety. It can help to revisit the feelings from the trauma or terror and know you can survive them.
Abuse, Anxiety, Confidence, Emotions, Feelings, Healing, Overwhelm
'An Open Letter to Humanity' and the path of honesty
Honesty – it may just be the best thing you could do, the best medicine for our ills and our issues with life and other people. Only with honesty do we create space to change what is not working in everyday life.
Understanding mental health from an esoteric perspective
Serge Benhayon speaks about mental health from an esoteric perspective
Hurt, Healing, Human body, Love, Mental health, Philosophy, Healthy living
A blog about sugar, misery and love
Most people know that sugar is a poison. Sugar controls us because we are lacking awareness and understanding
Awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Exhaustion, Gentleness, Healing, Self-love, Sugar, Tenderness
Books that are timeless and divine
Serge Benhayon’s writings are alive; the language wakes us up and teaches us something with every single sentence. Reading these books is very much a feeling experience.
The healing in being sick
When we’re sick, do we take advantage of the greater and true opportunity that being sick provides; or do we see it as a total nuisance, annoyingly becoming an unwanted disturbance to the normal day-to-day activities of our life?
The ramifications of rape and sexual assault: a first-hand account
“1 in 5 women will experience sexual assault at some time in their lives …” A first hand powerful account of the very real ramifications rape and sexual assault and what released her from the hurt.
Healing sound and music therapy – What makes sound healing?
If healing sound is not confined to musical styles, from where does the ‘healing quality’ in music originate? In every moment we have the potential to offer healing with sound and music: this is great in theory but what principles apply and how can we put this into practice?
Living medicine by understanding cancer
It’s time to understand cancer and stop losing the battle to fight it.
The prophecy of Universal Medicine
The future of Medicine is all encompassing the Science of Responsibility at a scale far greater than we care to contemplate, hence we take for granted what is implied by the word ‘Medicine’. Reluctance to ‘see outside the box’ is another delay to keep us away from true Medicine – the one which restores our collective responsibility to a divine, ‘universal’ way of living.
True health – are we missing something?
Despite the vast array of medical and health options, the rates of illness and disease continue to rise. Perhaps there is another way?
What’s self-love got to do with pregnancy and stillbirth?
Experiencing a stillbirth is difficult for women and those around them. Yet, healing from the experience may not as impossible as it seems.
Before and after a murder in the family
Ten or so years ago I was a very sad, miserable, withdrawn and ill woman … I was hurting and feeling shattered by the cold-blooded murder of my brother.
Energetic Integrity and the One Life
We cannot simply put on a uniform or change our tone of voice to change the energy we live in. Discover how energetic integrity affects all areas of life in our Audio of the Month for October 2019.
What is Chakra-puncture?
Chakra-puncture is a complementary healing modality that consists of needles applied very lightly to the skin to support energetic balance and order.
Burnt-out ‘Healer’ and the Ageless Wisdom teachings
The turnaround, after a healing session with Serge Benhayon, was so remarkable it was impossible to ignore or deny the immediate impact and efficacy. In no more than a few months I had completely turned around my current state of exhaustion and ill health.
The difference between feelings and emotions
Did you know that there is a vast difference energetically between Feelings and Emotions?
Love, the greatest medicine of all
Could love be the missing piece at the heart of all the pain and suffering and illness in the world? And could reconnecting to that love be the greatest medicine of all?
From domination to conversation – a physiotherapist’s testimonial to Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
A personal account of how one Physiotherapist has completely changed how they work due to being introduced to Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy – with some remarkable results.
The anxiety epidemic
Recognising anxiety in the body; how can I support myself?
Anxiety, Awareness, Healing, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress
Checking out – are we sowing the seeds of our own dementia?
Is dementia where we check out so much that we cannot check back in again? Doug shares how he found his way back to vitality and a clear mind.
Learning and living true physiotherapy – Part two
Kate shares her insight into True Physiotherapy and how she supports herself in assisting her patients with their own natural healing process.
Renunciation is part of healing
What is the relationship between renunciation and healing? And how do we do it?
What is Esoteric Massage?
Letting go of ingrained hardness, tension and disharmony held in the body through Esoteric Massage.
Immortalised as the God of Healing in Ancient Egypt, Imhotep was also a revered priest and scientist, a political figure and architect of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara. It is the quality that Imhotep lived rather that what he did that brought his connection to the Universal All to the world.
What are illness and disease?
What are illness and disease? Where do they come from? Is it possible that illness and disease do not come from outside us, but from the choices we ourselves make?
What is Medicine?
Is there more to Medicine than how we currently perceive it?
Medicine, Health conditions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Healing
Our ability to heal unresolved hurts and blockages
Our ability to heal supports us to live the truth of who we are.
Stillness and its connection to healing
The quality of stillness and its relationship to cancer and chemotherapy; what is the link and how does stillness work to support the body through illness?
Why not swearing is good medicine
Have you ever considered that swearing could be bad for you? In our Audio of the Month for November 2021 Serge Benhayon presents how there is good medicine in lots of things including not swearing.
FOOD, but is it glorious?
The many myths and customs surrounding food and what apparently is and is not good for us amount to quite an impressive list.
Sex, love and married life
I was a shy child and never really felt like I connected to anyone growing up, so it was a surprise, or maybe I should call it a relief, that a man would take an interest in me at the age of 19.
Confidence, Healing, Love, Marriage, Sex
Life can be our medicine
Watch this short video about how we can support our mental health by learning to care for ourselves and choosing a healthy lifestyle.
Our innate way
Learning to live from our innate essence, rather than all of our conditioned ways, can be simpler than we think and lead to more ease and settlement in life.
What is Sacred Esoteric Healing?
An article explaining Sacred Esoteric Healing as a form of energetic healing providing an opportunity to heal the underlying root cause of our ills and symptoms.
Healing is the removal of that which you are not
In our June 2023 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents the healing fact that there is nothing wrong with us.
Discover the joy of being a student of yourself
Our Audio of the Month for December 2023 presents why The Livingness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, what this means and why it is so important.
If the issue was not your parents what was it?
Serge Benhayon brings an understanding to how energy plays a bigger part in our lives and behaviours than we realise in this revelatory Audio of the Month for June 2024.