Being with what is – as is

Being with what is – as is

Being with what is, as it is. How refreshingly simple that sounds and in fact is when we hold no expectation, no preconceived idea, no held ideal or picture of life as we have been fed it is to be, to be considered ‘successful’, happy and full-filled.

What if life doesn’t fit the pictures we are sold i.e., we don’t ‘look’ a particular way, our health is challenging, a relationship just completed, or we are not where we thought we should or expected to be at this age or stage of life etc. Anything at all can be inserted here and in itself can never fulfil, as it is an externalised ideal. Is an externalised ideal not just a need for a convenient or desired outcome, rather than a truth?

Everywhere in life’s playground we have a myriad of distractions vying for our attention and equally enticing us to give energy and money to promote and circulate the convenient lie even further. It is an endless merry go round that assumes we will be whole once this or that is owned, achieved, or has had the required effort.

It is worthy of a pause to feel just how exhausting that is, the endless wanting and expecting, dreaming of something other. The amount of energy that is squandered in this process is massive and adds to the exhaustion, both physical and mental, as well as the lack of sleep and general unease that is plaguing many today.

What if nothing changed in our lives from this moment on, could we be settled with that. If we were to die tomorrow would we be ready? Of course life will change and it cannot but change as every moment is anew, offering us an expansion, an opportunity to be with what ever situation we find ourselves in, and be at ease with that designed purpose and where it may lead.

How do we do that? For a start we give up the effort, the perceived control and the constant doing – it requires a different movement, an inner movement of being and receptivity. Surrendering to what is does not mean we give in or give up on something, or we don’t do anything at all, rather it calls for complete attentiveness with where we are and an openness to receive.

Recently I put this to the test, I simply let go and felt where my body was at. Removing any idea, effort or need for it to be any different, and immediately there was a natural ease in my body. This space then allowed for what was next to present itself. It was simple when all expectation and desire was removed. It appears we are constantly driving and in control of this vehicle the body, and yet there is either an order or disorder that we are in truth obedient to. One can be moving with or against the flow that is pulsing through the universe.

Can it be so simple… yes it can; yet we have to get ourselves out of the created picture and let be what is.

Being at-one with the body and its movement is the passageway to universal wisdom that is equally accessible for us all.

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  • By Victoria Picone

    A forever student of life and the grand universe we are a part of. I am a woman who is dedicated to true health and wellbeing, from the inside out. I love the ever-unfolding nature of life, the people in it, and nature’s beauty… reflecting our own.

  • Photography: Clayton Lloyd