- Everyday Healing
- Did You Know?
- Healing Everyday Ailments
- Sacred Esoteric Healing
- The History of Sacred Esoteric Healing
- Where Can You Train in Sacred Esoteric Healing?
- Practitioner Testimonials
- Client Testimonials
- Festival and Event Testimonials
- Esoteric Massage
- Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
- Esoteric Chakra-Puncture
- Esoteric Breast Massage
- Esoteric Yoga
- The Truth about Healing

- Everyday Healing
- Did You Know?
- Healing Everyday Ailments
- Sacred Esoteric Healing
- The History of Sacred Esoteric Healing
- Where Can You Train in Sacred Esoteric Healing?
- Practitioner Testimonials
- Client Testimonials
- Festival and Event Testimonials
- Esoteric Massage
- Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
- Esoteric Chakra-Puncture
- Esoteric Breast Massage
- Esoteric Yoga
- The Truth about Healing
Client Testimonials
What does being grounded mean?
Esoteric Healing supports us to remain grounded by connecting to our own inner anchor of steadiness.
Finding out I am a sensitive guy through Sacred Esoteric Healing
Men compromise their true qualities in order to fit in with what society expects them to be. Can Esoteric Healing support them to reveal and let go of the beliefs about themselves that are not true?
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
Look closely ... now look even closer ... who is running who? Who is in charge?
Is your life running you? A sharing by Otto about his experiences with Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Before, during and after Sacred Esoteric Healing
A testimonial expressing the deep tenderness experienced in sessions and the profound changes Rachael has experienced in her life from healing through Sacred Esoteric Healing.
How Sacred Esoteric Healing helped support me through breast cancer
How Sacred Esoteric Healing supported Lee-Ann through her medical treatment of breast cancer.
Sacred Esoteric Healing and how it changed my life
How Sacred Esoteric Healing changed my life and helped me cure my depression – making me feel alive and energised again.
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.