Living Medicine
Is the answer to our health right under our nose?
Could the way we live be our medicine? This article explores the possibility that this could be true, and shows us a way forward, a way to live.
Listening to your body
Your body is a constant companion in our life and is always in communication with us, so why do we find it so hard to listen to what it has to say?
Fighting cancer – What if there is another element, a fundamental element that we have overlooked?
Everything is energy – is the one absolute truth that applies to everything in the world we live in, including illness and disease.
Serge Benhayon on medicine
Is there a Universal form of medicine that is available to us all?
Living medicine starts with the body
Medicine starts with the body and tuning in to how it feels so we can learn who we are from the inside and what we need to be ourself in life.
Healing: should I be suspicious?
Is ‘Healing’ something that is not real or should we be suspicious? Is there a true form of healing to be embraced by all?
Medicine is life
Make the connection that life is medicine and can be good or bad.
What is living medicine?
We often consider that medicine is something that is outside of us, that we take or do to make ourselves feel better. Did you know that the way that you live is your greatest form of medicine?