Living Religion: Seeing the whole from the heart

So often we try to compartmentalise life into portions that we can understand and dissect to satisfy our intellect, and whilst there is nothing wrong with this, all too often it is done at the expense of being willing to see the whole from the heart. The problem with this is whenever we stop allowing ourselves from being willing to see the whole, we risk no longer being humbled by the immensity and wonder of all that life is and has to offer.

We are definitely part of life. Understanding divinity is just the glory of the knowing that we are not the only part, but an equally important part all the same.

To me, life is about connection, connection, connection. For our part, all we have to do is stop and ask – what is it that we are connecting to?

I feel honest when I connect with my body. It enables me to feel the truth of how I live, and the potential of how I could live. The mind on the other hand, when left to its own, will continue to tell me that the body is doing fine when it is not. This has to then lead one to ask – if the mind is dishonest about the very body that it belongs to, what else is it being dishonest about?

To me, divinity is God. It is the sunrise and sunset – the beginning of our day, the end, and all that falls between. It is all around us and within us, at our core, and within every fibre of our being. This is in seeming contradiction to life as we know it, which is typified by corruption, suffering and struggle. Yet this exposes not the absence of our divine origins so much as it does the ludicrousness of human life as we allow ourselves to know it, where we live by choice in the ignorance of our own true connection to divinity and that of all others. Everything else we bear witness to is just a result of the consequences and complications that follow.

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ReligionConnectionTestimonialsHuman body

  • By Adam Warburton, Builder

    I am a builder and a husband. I do not profess to live a life of extremes, but subscribe to the virtue of simplicity, dealing with all the same daily challenges most of us face. I love my wife... my job, my family…oh, and the world.

  • Photography: Clayton Lloyd