It is never about alcohol

It is never about alcohol
Wine, beer, spirits, and alcohol of any sort, pervade humanity’s customs. It seems everywhere one turns a glass of these mind-altering carcinogens awaits the ungrounded hand.
For many a form of alcohol, usually wine, is an essential part of the meal program. It has become an ‘art form’ to select the right beverage to accompany each food type.
But what is really going on?
To the animal kingdom and to the uninitiated drinkers (children/life-long teetotallers), all alcohol-based beverages taste vile. Indeed, just the smell of the breath of someone who has been drinking an alcoholic beverage is enough of a deterrent. It is only peer pressure that gets people through the acquired taste barrier.
So how can these beverages that have such a high barrier to acceptance (‘acquired’ tastes, smelly breath, changed persona, bodily inflammation consequences, expensive habit, relationship damaging, reduced sexual performance etc.), manage to take such a stranglehold on the public?
When one (as a drinker or non-drinker alike) stands back and looks objectively at this crazy alcoholic construct of the world, it is amazing to witness the extent of this indoctrination, now embedded on such a massive scale. It is amazing to consider that the ‘intelligent’ person can be so gullible and harming of one’s self. It is amusing to behold grown men (it is usually the men) discussing wines, as if they have stumbled across a never-before-seen work of art!
What is it all about?
It is about fitting in, about being sociable, about loosening up the nervous person within to lubricate communication and it is about using alcohol as a crutch to let go of inhibitions. Oh yes, it is also about an acquired taste and about the influences of sugar (to make one racy); most alcohol beverages, or the added mixers, contain sugar or carbohydrates.
It is not about wellbeing.
Even the most indoctrinated drinker will surely admit that alcohol inflames the body’s cells, and everyone knows what cellular inflammation seeds.
As alcohol enters the body, the body’s defence produces acetaldehyde to break down the alcohol; from recent reports, acetaldehyde[1] is the cause of hangovers (not dehydration). In this experiment, supervised by medical experts, involving twin men, the previously recommended minimum dosages of alcohol drinking are very much exposed and the liver damage as well as damage to the kidneys as compared between a binge drinker and a regular three drinks a day version are similar, resulting in seriously hardened liver tissues. The medical experts were inspired by this ground-breaking experiment to review the minimum drinking levels previously suggested.
Einstein largely avoided alcohol for good reason: “Alcohol spoiled the mind.”
But self-harm is not the end of it. Self-harm is a damaging by-product of alcohol, but it is not the main issue to consider here.
Alcohol, in all forms, is about changing who we are. Each molecule of alcohol acts to energetically infect the cellular system of the body to move us away from the perfect eco-system we are designed to be. The more alcohol we imbibe, the further we move away from who we truly are.
Why would we want to create imperfection out of perfection?
Why would we want to be anything but ourselves?
What is it that we are not happy with that entices us to succumb to the propaganda of the beverage companies and to peer group pressures, that entice so many to choose alcohol to play so deep into the fabric of their lives?
Ultimately, it is about a failure to connect to proper purpose.
Alcohol is also about deep-seated unhappiness or a discontent with one’s position in life. Alcohol is about hurts that have layered over the true person. The way someone deals with these hurts, inhibitions and lack of purpose is to become someone else via the use of (for example) alcohol, rather than to address these issues. In the case of alcohol, they do it so often that alcohol becomes a habit . . . often ending up as an addiction.
The social drinker will probably deny it is about being purposeless, or about hurts. But alcohol, even small amounts, is a mask we wear to cover our not-resolved issues. Alcohol, no matter how little imbibed, is always a substitute for a weakness; usually a weakness not explored.
We are here to consciously evolve, but what alcohol does is to take us into a place that does just the opposite of developing awareness, or of being connected in conscious presence, or of staying alert to be able to read (interpret) what is going on around us. Our evolution will be delayed if alcohol is part of one’s way of being.
Thus, with so many in the world now regular drinkers, many of those excessively so, we have an army of people who are not themselves and who will never be themselves whilst they continue the habit of drinking alcohol, even in small quantities. It is not about the ‘acquired’ taste and it is not about being sociable – alcohol is about being anyone other than our real selves.
This article does not cover all the other issues that arise from alcohol consumption such as – widespread anti-social behaviour including family breakdowns, diseases from alcohol including cognitive diseases, addictions, crimes and financial challenges arising from the alcohol habit, all of which take a heavy toll on so many aspects of that ill way of living. One just needs to ask the police force or the social security support teams as to what is at the core of most of their call outs and the answer will inevitably be alcohol.
This article simply highlights that alcohol changes who we are and asks the question: “Why would we ever want to be someone else and thereby never deal with the issues we keep buried behind a fog of carcinogenic beverages?” It is never about alcohol but rather about the underlying, undealt-with issues that are being avoided.
Those issues, masked by alcohol, are prevalent throughout many of the world’s population that are stuck in what they believe is ‘normal’ when, in truth, alcohol consumption is anything but normal.
Filed under
Alcohol, Inflammation, Sugar, Hurt, Evolution, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Awareness, Sex