Serge Benhayon

Serge Benhayon
Experiencing Universal Medicine
Sacred Esoteric Healing
A truly healing modality taught by Universal Medicine. Simple non-intrusive techniques you can use on yourself, your family and friends.
Serge Benhayon on the radio.
The Study Of Esoteric Medicine
Esoteric Medicine - the perfect partner for Conventional Medicine
The Livingness Workshops
An introduction to the 3 one-day events that form The Livingness Workshops.
UniMed Retreat
Introducing a taste of future life on Earth
Ageless Wisdom Teachings
An educational, illuminating and fun forum hosted by the College of Universal Medicine – presenting on a multitude of topics.
The Way of The Livingness
Presenting the religious way, aspects and principles of the Ageless Wisdom.
Relationship Groups, Presentations And Workshops
Relationship Groups, Presentations and Workshops offered by Universal Medicine
The Arcane Project And Sutra Series
A brief history of the Arcane Project and Sutra Series presented by the School of the Livingness – Universal Medicine’s first series of online lectures.