How to stop food cravings

How to stop food cravings
If you’ve read about what gluten is and gluten sensitivity and are considering going gluten free but keep daydreaming about bread and pastries, here are some factors that might help you understand more about how to stop those pesky food cravings.
Gluten gives elasticity and texture to baked products and so grains containing gluten are very widely used in baking and flour-based foods.
It’s easy to get used to eating foods containing gluten, they are so common, but there are actually heaps of naturally gluten free alternatives. Be open to experimenting and have fun trying these new foods and textures with delicious gluten free recipes.
Life can be hectic and we just want to grab that sandwich or pizza, on the go: convenient fast food is everywhere – and almost always includes gluten.
With a little bit of planning it is entirely possible to eat nourishing gluten free foods that will help maintain energy levels, keep your mood more balanced and your mind clearer: both at home and when you are eating out.
Baked goods are made to look good, smell good and have a certain mouth feel – muffins, cakes and breads in all their forms are designed to make you want them and then want more.
Connect with the not-so-pretty effects these foods have on your body and it makes it a lot easier to resist the temptation. Consider that the time it takes to eat the foods we crave is momentary but the after effects linger for much longer.
There’s no denying that we go to food to comfort eat! Eating foods containing gluten can be a great way to dull what you are feeling. Perhaps there is an underlying hurt or emotion we don’t want to acknowledge. It could even be that we’re feeling great but are uncomfortable with showing it. Contemplate how we use food to bury what we don’t want to feel.
Most foods containing gluten are high in sugar, or in carbohydrates that can be quickly converted to sugar by the body.
We crave them when we are looking for energy, but the kind of energy that sugar supplies doesn’t last long and can actually leave us with a further drop in vitality.
Food can be strongly interlinked with social occasions - sharing a meal with a partner, family, friends or colleagues.
Could it be that we connect certain foods with memories and think that we need them to re-create that moment?
Tips for how to stop food cravings:
Is it possible that your body is asking you for something but the signal is getting re-interpreted somewhere along the line?
- Really listening to your body is your number one tool.
The Stop Connect Feel system provides invaluable support in developing this ability. By developing your body awareness it can be easier to make the choice about what to eat to truly nourish yourself. - Perhaps you’re just thirsty and need to re-hydrate. Maybe you do need food, but quality carbs/ protein/ fats instead of empty calories.
- Don’t beat yourself up if you give in to your food cravings, no one is ever perfect.
Being willing to develop more awareness of the effects of your food choices is often the best medicine. Addressing why we go for certain foods that are not good for us, is a great start. - Be adventurous.
Have fun experimenting with new foods, seeing how they work for your body.
Know that you are not alone in craving gluten, or having food cravings generally ... it’s a common experience, and is something that we can change through developing our awareness.
In her blog, My Ex-Partner Chocolate, Heidi shares the way she conquered her food cravings and became the master of her choices.
" ... In the past I had used my mind to try and control my eating habits without understanding the underlying reason for my reliance on it. So, whenever I had tried to make a change it was always fraught with relapses, mentally psyching myself up to try again, coupled with a berating inner-voice adamantly stating I wasn’t strong enough to make permanent, positive changes ... "
Understanding food cravings is part of developing a deeper, more caring relationship with yourself and your body, and the value of that cannot be overstated!
Filed under
Behaviour, Body awareness, Over eating, Gluten free, Psychology, Weight-loss