Yoga and the five ingredients from heaven

Understanding yoga, stillness and soul through the five Ingredients of heaven

Yoga and the five ingredients from heaven

“We have the opportunity to create Yoga with the five ingredients from Heaven”

Serge Benhayon, 2011

When we look at the ancient meaning of yoga: At-One-ment, union with God, we discover that the purpose of a yoga practice is to re-connect us within, and deepen this living quality of the Soul (on earth).

In truth, yoga can be simply lived via our connection with our body, it is not an ‘exalted state’, or something unattainable – it is a quality that can be lived in normal day to day life; it is in truth very practical and applicable to our every day. When we are in union or At-One with our Soul, the details and activities of life, whatever it is we are doing, naturally reflect the qualities of the Soul – Harmony, Truth, Love, Stillness and Joy. And it is in the ‘whatever it is we are doing’ that we can very practically develop these qualities, and thus deepen our relationship with Yoga in our everyday life.

The focus on any one of these five qualities strengthens and deepens our connection to the other four –

Esoteric Yoga is The Yoga of Stillness.

Re-connecting to Stillness is the key to moving the light of the Soul through your body – it is the key to returning to living soulfully.

Enjoy this audio that explores what these five ingredients of heaven are, and how they are part of our everyday life.

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Yoga and the five ingredients of heaven

Discover the true beauty of the word yoga and the livingness of it.

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  • By Rosanna Bianchini, BA Hons, Complementary therapies practitioner, EPA Recognised

    Graphic designer, property manager, Esoteric Yoga practitioner and day-to-day explorer of the philosophy, religion and science of life – sharing life with family and friends in the riverside, market town of Evesham, UK

  • Photography: Cameron Martin, Video and Photography