Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm

Consciousness: breaking the human paradigm

Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm

"It will come to pass that man will know that all stems from the living quality of consciousness."

Serge Benhayon A Treatise on Consciousness, ed 2, p 7

Human consciousness is our modern Zeitgeist. But what is it? Where is it? And how does it work? These are the big questions modern science thinks it thinks it is tackling for us all, in the hope that by creating (and controlling) human consciousness, it will save us from ourselves and the escalating global health, economic and environmental crises that our current self-harming consciousness has created.

Neurobiologists, robotics engineers and best-selling authors alike, are all seeking this Holy Grail, an elusive ‘code’ for consciousness that unlocks our hidden meaning and explains our human predicament. Projects like the ‘Human Connectome’ use state-of-the-art imaging from the brains of coma patients to track and pin down awareness to parts of our brain’s anatomy. Fervent machine-learning experts make predictions about ‘coding and uploading’ our personalities onto computer networks – without the inconvenience of flesh and blood bodies that bear the brunt of our obviously abusive lifestyle choices.

Either way, it is assumed that consciousness has a physical location; ‘a brain’ or headquarters where it resides, be it biological, computational or electrically ‘networked’. All this position does is expose our stubborn collective materialistic focus on functionality and our wilful ignorance of the multidimensionality that lies at the core of what it is to be truly human.

And of course, as a proffered anti-dote, there is the seemingly different New Age spiritual movement, which promises enlightenment to those that strive to seek a ‘higher’ self and consciousness through prolonged meditation, guru-worship or toxic herb abuse.

These endeavours ALL deliberately limit what we are allowed to know about human consciousness, because, in truth, they are all part of the same non-human consciousness that does not want us to know we are much more than human. Neither Science, Technology nor the New Age will expose the Energetic Truth that is the foundation of our human life on earth. More on this later …

Yes, these complex ‘scientific’ but also spiritual ‘New Age’ quests both hide a basic emotional need – to identify with, own, emphasise and control our ‘human’ consciousness. This need, borne of timeless separation from truth, has constructed a false paradigm that now reflects the true depth of our lived arrogance and unsettlement.

The truth about our human consciousness could be, and in fact is, much simpler.

The Ageless Wisdom teaches us that consciousness is simply a vibrational bridge of energy – sourced either by Divine Order (Universal, Soulful and unifying) or by all that is NOT Divine (spiritual, separating and disordered).

What if both of those energies simply ‘bridge’ through our physical forms, like electricity does through wires, to have its effect? This would mean that en masse, we as humans represent the physical attunement of either of those energies received, in a particular potency and ratio. Energies which cannot but then express forth into our current human reality, making it what it is.

What then?

This is a bit like asking the radio to adjust its own radio waves, an iPad to modulate its WIFI signal, or a piano to tune itself. You cannot fully comprehend a consciousness that is sourced from beyond what is assumed to be your pinnacle of awareness. But perhaps you can choose to receive it, should it be available, and thereby become vibrationally adjusted.

If humanity chose to drop its arrogant quest, our need to control and own consciousness, what might we be capable of receiving? Perhaps we would find ourselves less focused on searching for ‘material’ proof of consciousness and allow the innate intelligence of our whole body and heart’s impulse to lead the way – to a true state of universal awareness.

We might also start asking if human consciousness is just an expression of different qualities or types of energy unquantifiable by our assumed state-of-the-art methods yet immanently available to our body’s innate sense. AND, if we are willing conduits, then what quality of energy is currently flowing through our bodies as one global collective?

To explore this further – let’s delve deeper into what our current human ‘creations’ reflect about our quality and type of consciousness.

There is no doubt that A.I. (artificial intelligence) is now a global reality. Humanoid Robots like ‘Sophia’ have made guest appearances on shows like ‘Good Morning Britain' and even been granted Saudi Citizenship, making grandiose quips to would-be investors about ‘taking over humanity’. But like any supercomputer, Sophia’s level of awareness, her machine-learnt, computer-coded and impulsed energy, are sourced by the same non-human energy running her creators, themselves conduits for a certain quality and type of consciousness. It also explains some of Sophia’s infamously arrogant remarks! Such A.I. creations are not about advancing humans or human technology, they are about advancing and attuning us to a certain quality of consciousness – one that seeks to preserve itself and requires willing vessels to do so.

But it doesn’t and won’t stop there. The allure of ‘synthetic humans’ and manipulating mass human behaviour has generated insatiable global demand for Hollywood movies that pander to our emotional fantasies and need to identify with who or what we are. ‘Vanilla Sky’, ‘A.I.’ and ‘Ex Machina’ are just some Sci-fi creations that have capitalised on our lives-long desperation and arrogance, insinuating it is simply a matter of time before humans become either evolutionarily redundant super-hero all-powerful or wind up in endless human versus machine conflicts. None of it points to unifying simplicity or Divine Order.

The imagery of such media creations are extreme and intense, deliberately so. They exist to distract us all from attuning to the alternative source of consciousness – the Universal One we will all come to know as Soul.

If we are honest, most of us are secretly horrified by our modern Frankenstein creations, ‘imaginary’ or not, because they reflect the pride-filled choice of a consciousness we have already long ago attuned to and accepted into our bodies – all that is not in harmony with the Divinely Designed Universe we innately belong to.

The BBC television drama ‘Humans’ also explored the consequences of our energetically irresponsible quest for consciousness; transporting us to a very believable dystopian future of synthetic ‘slave-class’ humans called ‘Synths’, who run amok by ‘waking up’ with bodies that suddenly feel ‘alive’ and conscious of their own identity. Amongst the dramatic existential and romantic crises, they wreak havoc upon the current human reality … Much like we already do.

Let us be honest here. It is not truly the ‘Synths’ of tech-fantasy but us, flesh and blood humans, who by Universal grace, are re-awakening from an aeons-long, zombie-like slumber of choosing the energy of separative Illusion over Divine Truth as our primary, governing impulse.

As humans we are very prone to put our needs before our truth, especially if that Truth exposes the whole game of our dual spiritual and physical existence – a game in which we are and have been complicit, by choice.

This concept is certainly not new and was bought into collective awareness with the 1999 Sci-fi classic, The Matrix. Neo, the anti-hero and nicknamed the ‘One’, is given a choice by the rebel leader, Morpheus, to swallow either the Blue pill – and re-join the comfortable reality of a simulated human Illusion (aka the ‘Matrix’) with all its securities, false happiness and ignorant human slavery, or to take the Red pill – and ‘unplug’ permanently from that attuning energy source, back into the inconvenient truth and self-awareness.

Sounds familiar? This reworked cultural meme, based loosely on the allegory of Plato’s cave, attempted to convey what the Ageless Wisdom has taught since before recorded human time.

Yet unlike Neo, we have not been collectively ‘forced’ into a lesser way of being or plugged into a vicious ‘A.I.’ machine-colony. We simply chose it, when we decided to separate from our Divine and universal origins, aeons ago, deliberately descending into mass amnesia and indulgence, a spiritual foray into everything that is anti-Divine and anti-Order.

We are the real A.I. ‘aliens’ in this not-so-fictional scenario – a self-perpetuating vehicle for artificial (fake) intelligence that is expressing Universal purpose or enrichment.

Equally, is our mass ‘awakening’ simply a loving call back home from God and the Universe herself? Are the vast levels of inner discomfort, global disharmony, escalating disease, weather corrections and dwindling levels of true physical and mental vitality just making it easier for all of us to re-attune to a consciousness we deliberately forgot?

Look closely and you will see our history and society bear open testimony to this truth. All of us can recall a moment or several, maybe in childhood, where the pressure to not feel and attune with our inner heart’s truth overwhelmed us – and we chose the Blue Pill: a set of rules and ideals that allowed a more comfortable or numb existence, albeit not a free one. For some it might be organised ‘faith-based’ religion, the loveless towers of Academia, or any cultural identity-based tribe of your choice. But was it truly you choosing it?

Perhaps the more we accept that an energy is moving us, the more we will realise that we have re-chosen the Blue Pill, repeatedly, and perhaps over many lifetimes. But then again, comfortable amnesia is one of the benefits of that pill – aka – the spiritual Illusion. Which might explain why reincarnation is and has been considered such a dangerous concept to promote. But that’s a whole other article.

Like most human truth, The Matrix was heavily tainted by the consciousness impulsing its creators. Hence the flawed, ‘almost true’ and seductive concepts of mass awakening, a computer-coded reality and the modern ‘Saviour’ twist. But if we feel into what is presented by the Ageless Wisdom and its long Lineage, the Matrix analogy is exposed for what it is – a deep fake.

The fact is we are ALL Neo – the coming ‘One’ – being offered the chance to ‘unplug’ from the Illusion we have (deliberately) made our lives about since we descended into physicality.

Just for a change, if we all were to swallow the pill of ‘energetic truth’, what might evolve here on earth?

As more of us ‘re-attune’, by our heart’s choice, to the vibrational bridge of Divine Consciousness that is of our true Soul-full and Divine origin, so too our daily expressions will reflect what it is that we have re-chosen. And so, this time around, the Ageless Wisdom teachings offer us a much simpler explanation of why our human condition is as it is.

"True free-will is not about making decisions and choices, for both of these will stem from the consciousness you are aligned to. That’s right, all of your impulsed thoughts that lead to the motion of an energy inside you, whether it is acted on or not, there is still a motion – come from the impulse of the consciousness you are aligned to and not your own head, as it were, in-truth."

Serge Benhayon A Treatise on Consciousness, ed 1, p 228

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Ageless WisdomBrotherhoodEnergySoulTechnologyTruth

  • By Anonymous

  • Photography: Clayton Lloyd