Topic:Nutrition SEE ALL TOPICS
Going gluten free does not require a gluten intolerance diagnosis
An invitation to developing a deeper relationship with our bodies and choosing to feel the effects food containing gluten has on our well-being.
Gluten free, Body awareness, Nutrition, Coeliac/celiac, Diets
From foodie to glorious food
One woman’s journey from food addiction, using food to get through the day, to losing 30kg and returning to her natural weight without dieting or even trying!
Natural sugar vs refined sugar
The difference between digesting natural sugar and the sugar tsunami effect of refined sugar explains mood swings and why we feel hungry even when our clothes are getting tighter.
Sugar, Digestion, Vitality, Nutrition, Food science, Diabetes
Apparently, the Food Pyramid is making a comeback but does it meet the needs of the modern man?
Could the food pyramid actually be contributing to our ever-increasing health problems and making waistlines larger not smaller?
Serge Benhayon on food and diet
Director of Universal Medicine Serge Benhayon talks about food and how to have a healthy relationship with it.
Making healthy food choices – stop connect feel
Is eating just another task to fit into your busy day, or a reward at the end of a stressful day? Making healthy food choices can be simple when you know how to connect to and listen to your body.
Connection, Exhaustion, Gentle breath, Healthy diet, Nutrition
Osteoporosis and a lifetime of dairy consumption
After consuming milk, cheese and yoghurt for most of her life, this writer was diagnosed with osteoporosis. How does a woman who consumed dairy for years have Osteoporosis by her mid-forties?
Dairy free, Food industry, Food pyramid, Health conditions, Nutrition, Osteoporosis
The chilling facts about dairy
Let’s look at some chilling facts about dairy consumption. Read on and you’ll see we should perhaps have a media campaign that asks ... "Is dairy bad for you?"
How many hoops will the food industry enthusiastically jump through in order to get to our purse ...
The Food Industry – how low does it go?
Food industry, Media, Nutrition, Sugar alternatives, Healthy living
Food choices: what does your whole body have to say?
Reward, comfort, stimulation or true nourishment – what do you want from your food and what is driving your food choices?
On the topic of food and diet
As we are forever evolving – so too should our relationship with particular foods change.
Productivity, Nutrition, Healthy diet, Fitness, Caffeine, Sugar Free, Food science
Going sugar free and why we crave sugar
Discover how Jacqueline used sugar as an ‘artificial sweetener’ in her life and found her way back to her own natural sweetness. Are you using sugar as life’s artificial sweetener?
Eating for the whole body
Eating for a party in your mouth… is it worth it?
Body awareness, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Vitality, Over eating
Food, love and self-love – confessions of the good doctor!
A doctor shares her growing understanding of food hangovers and the effect of choosing love over abusive food choices. It is not just alcohol that contributes to hangovers!
Are we choosing food to reduce the amazing being we are?
Are we eating to shine or dull our light? This video explores why we purposely choose foods to dull ourselves.
Nutritional Dogma – Food rules or loving impulse?
When we categorise foods and diet into ‘good’ and ‘bad’, are we truly supporting ourselves or creating restrictions and dogma?
The body knows more about dairy than science
Should we strictly rely on outside sources for our diet, or can we listen to our inner nutritionist?
The reaction diet (and how to change it)
Does altering our diet in reaction to the food practices of the food industry or to the world around us truly support and nourish a vital body and mind?
Food and relationships – the warm and yummy diet
I have never been a fan of dieting, but over the years my relationship with food has changed and I now love to eat the warm and yummy diet.
Diets, Healthy diet, Healthy relationships, Losing weight, Nutrition
Going against the grain
Going gluten and dairy free brought a heightened awareness and the sense of feeling generally 'sharper' arrived quite quickly. The digestive system improved dramatically and so did my whole sense of wellbeing.
Coeliac/celiac, Dairy free, Gluten free, Nutrition, Well-being
Gluten-free grudge
Some 15 years plus, when catering for gluten-free choice was merely a desirable noun, I sat at my breakfast table in one of Lisbon’s finest hotels. Today I owe an apology to the gentleman who sat at a table next to mine …
Coeliac/celiac, Nutrition, Medicine, Lifestyle, Livingness, Gluten free, Healthy diet
What is gluten sensitivity?
Did you know that it is possible to have an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten that hampers your vitality and well-being, without it showing up in your digestive system?
Coeliac/celiac, Gluten free, Bloating, Exhaustion, Vitality, Digestion, Nutrition
What is gluten?
With many people now asking “What is gluten?” this article explains what gluten is and outlines how our bodies can react to it.
Coeliac/celiac, Digestion, Gluten free, Nutrition, Well-being, Healthy living, Food science
What’s for breakfast? Exploring our cultural bias ...
When my husband of Asian ethnicity first made fish soup for breakfast I realised I had a cultural bias against anything other than the traditional continental breakfast.
Are my food choices disguised as self-medication?
Who or what is actually making or driving the choice of food we apparently crave? And do we truly eat to support the physical body or is there a not so hidden agenda directing us?
"You’re a man – eat and be strong." What lengths do men go to to fit in?
This audio focusses on men’s body image and how men feel about their body, how they have grown up in a world that teaches them that they need to be big and strong and not show any form of weakness. In truth this takes men a long way from their natural self.
Dairy – think "pasteurised pus, antibiotics, inflammation and cancers"
Dairy is addictive, inflammatory and a catalyst for cancer – time to drop dairy.
Dairy free, Cancer, Inflammation, Lifestyle diseases, Nutrition
Weight loss shakes: diet or dessert?
Constantly seeking the holy grail of weight loss? Exploring the shocking truth of weight loss shakes.
Calories, Diets, Losing weight, Obesity, Nutrition, Sugar, Weight
Educated food choices – become your own physician!
When it comes to nutrition, our medical professionals are largely uneducated. Most in the health industry know little about food, food choices and energetic responsibility.
Food industry, Medicine, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Sugar, Gluten free
Artificial Sweeteners: a healthy sugar substitute or a poison in different disguise?
In a sugar free world, artificial sweeteners are taking hold, but what are the consequences of eating these sugar substitutes and what do we need to consider if we wish to be healthy?
Sugar alternatives, Nutrition, Healthy diet, Food industry, Evidence-based, Sugar Free
Let food be thy medicine – outdated quote or ageless wisdom?
How powerful are our food choices in influencing the health of our bodies?
Healthy diet, Medicine, Nutrition, Lifestyle diseases, Healthy living
Restaurants, spiked food and food industry manipulation
What mankind is eating is a disaster; we are doped up on dopamine and controlled by an errant food and restaurant industry.
Addiction, Alcohol, Depression, Food industry, Nutrition, Sugar
Are we being truly nourished by food?
If food has an energetic make-up, is there such a thing as energetic nutrition? If so would that allow us to contemplate and bring awareness and responsibility back to the ‘eater’ and the food choices that we make.
The nurturing aspect of preparing a meal
We prepare food every day. Do we consider that the way we prepare food affects how that food nurtures us?
Why do we eat what we eat?
What we eat, and why and when we eat, has another dimension than what is presented in the cooking shows and enticing packaging in the supermarket aisle.