Domestic violence ... are we all responsible for the cycle of abuse?
Domestic Violence is at pandemic proportions in societies around the world. In this article we explore the reasons for this.
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
The interplay of physicality and energy in violence – understanding the strings that are moved
What is the root cause of the forever growing violence and the normalisation of it? What if there is a bigger picture to violence that we as humanity have been unwilling to embrace?
Slavery under a new name – evil reinvents itself
When did slavery officially end? From the billion-dollar sex trade industry to child labour and domestic violence we have more slavery today than we have ever had, it’s got a new name – people trafficking.
What to wear ... you’re not wearing that, are you?
The power of words and what holding onto hurtful abusive comments does to our sense of self and the way we think about ourselves.
The systemic abuse of men
The systemic abuse of men is common and more prevalent than we may realise. It is time for this abuse to be exposed and revealed for what it is so we can begin to live another way, a true way, that supports men and boys to live free of this abuse.
Drinking alcohol is not good for you . . . trust me, I’m a doctor
I am a doctor, so I cannot show you my face or use my name on this article, but I wanted to write it to bring home the point that drinking alcohol really is not good for you.
Food, emotions and abuse… What is beneath it?
This article exposes multiple factors that many don’t consider to be beneath the cycle of abusive food choices.
Men and alcohol
Read how 5 men view alcohol in today’s society and what impact it has had on them as men and the people around them. Whilst their expressions are all different, there appears to be a common thread amongst them.
My miraculous life
In the 1980’s, in amongst the fog and the haze of my intense drug and alcohol addiction, a very sweet and loving 12 year old asked me, ‘Why do you do this to yourself, Deb?’
Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Miracle, Self-empowerment, Universal Medicine
Understanding – is this the key to sharing our greatest form of Love?
Serge Benhayon shares with us the value of truly being able to understand other people without any judgment. The impact and affect on our relationships of true understanding is transformative beyond anything we can imagine and is the gateway to true Love. Understanding is the greatest form of Love.
Abuse, Couples therapy, Relationships, Relationship problems
Why wait? Let’s discard out-of-date and abusive attitudes about gender now!
The battle of the sexes has become a world war. Domestic violence is currently headline news, publicly exposing the horrendous abuse kept hidden behind the closed doors of our very own homes. The media is now onto it, but are we fully addressing our part in it?
Abuse, Hurt, Anti-social behaviour, Conflict, Gender equality, Feminism, Self-worth, Relationship problems
When does exercise become abuse?
Exercise – we either love it or hate it! But in what quality of energy are we actually exercising, and when does the line get crossed and exercise becomes abuse?
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
My understanding of abuse
Could it be that by limiting our understanding of abuse we fail to see that we are all being abused constantly?
You cannot bully your way to Heaven
Judith explains how she has used bullying for most of her life without realising the effect on others.
How do we become a less violent society?
Violence is an accepted part of our everyday – we expect it. So how do we become a non-violent society, or said another way, how do we come back to being a loving race of people?
An awareness around leering (perving)
A look, a glance, is it all that innocent – if not, why do you do it? As a real man, what’s in it for you, and do we comprehend the impact of our seemingly harmless actions?
Oops! Embracing our mistakes is self-care
Giving ourselves a hard time for the mistakes we’ve made is just another form of self-abuse. Could celebrating them for the learning they bring be part of our self-care?
Alcohol abuse – what’s normal?
How many drinks are a ‘normal’ or safe amount to drink? When we decide what is a normal and acceptable amount of alcohol to drink, what exactly are we saying yes to?
I’m a dad ... How do I show affection to my teenage daughter?
Puberty can be a difficult time for both fathers and daughters. This article offers support for fathers in understanding why they can often feel uncomfortable and how they can be with their daughters through puberty, with the continued flowing affection their ‘little girls’ may have grown up with.
Abuse, Confidence, Mental health, Parenting, Raising children, Relationships
“Why did you stay?” An insight into abuse
A revealingly honest interview examining the justification for blurring the lines between love and abuse.
Drinking time – what is our measure of acceptable drinking?
What defines a moment as being acceptable to drink alcohol?
Women – unnecessary collateral damage in a battle against ourselves
With such high rates of violence against women in all its forms around the world, we have to look deeper at the cause
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Domestic violence, Healthy relationships, Sacredness, Stillness, Tenderness
Harmlessness – our true quality lost in a world at war
The world is at war, no matter which way we look at it. We are retaliating and fighting to ‘protect’ our ‘own’ borders. And yet does the power to end warring and disharmony lie in our very own hands?
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Conflict, Harmony, Tension, Brotherhood, Supremacy
International day of remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade – March 25th 2015
An opportunity for us all to stand up and speak out about the slave trade that continues more than ever today.
Jealousy is a far more potent and harmful force than we realise.
Letter to my body – from trash-tip to temple
When your body is pining for more sleep, asks for nourishing food and to be honoured, held and cherished like the Temple that it is, what do you do? What treatment do you offer back to your body?
Turning a blind eye: 21st Century slavery served for dinner
Here is the crunch – slavery has never ended – as documented in Australia with the migrant workers who pick, pack and process our daily food. There are more slaves in the world today than ever before. How does this correspond with the way we run our personal lives?
I am no one’s Sindy Doll
The transformations that can happen when you make your life first about truth before making it about pleasing other people
Abuse, Acceptance, Domestic violence, Self-empowerment, Ageless Wisdom
Self-care: Saying no to abuse
A Disability Support Worker’s perspective on how self-care is about learning to deeply honour the body and saying no to abuse in its many forms.
Abuse, Acceptance, Bullying, Communication, Culture, Empowerment
From self-abuse – to self-care
A personal trainer’s experience of how working out hard and pushing the limits of strength, stamina and flexibility is actually more harming than healthy.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Shakespeare’s theatre of the absurd
Shakespeare’s first play about the unseen world of spirits and invisible forces unravels the utter absurdity of how humanity operates under their influence, and how we so easily get lost in the tangled drama of emotional love without ever questioning its source.
Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the Great Globe, and The Ageless Wisdom
The Tempest was Shakespeare’s last play, a play full of magic and meaning. Will the characters constellated on this isle keep re-choosing the abuse of power or will they reclaim their universality once more?
From alcohol and marijuana to embracing our sensitivity
We may turn to alcohol or marijuana as a way to medicate or to escape from the world, but we do not escape at all nor are we offered any healing. Is there an alternative to help ease our emotional pain?
Abuse, Alcohol, Drugs, Hurt, Emotions, Essence, Healing, Love
The train wreck we call ‘art’: music and our responsibility as a global family
Defending music at all costs as the reality of a life is ignored – how did this become ok? On Mary Forsberg’s letter about the life and death of rock star Scott Weiland.
Death, Drugs, Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Musicians
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Ill health, Abuse, Corruption, Energy, Expression, Sickness, Livingness, Love, Reductionism, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Unimedpedia, Healthy living
The silent abuse – leaving an abusive marriage
Emotional abuse is subtle and easier to push aside because there are no obvious bruises, yet it is equally as crushing as physical abuse. One woman’s story of leaving behind an abusive relationship and claiming back her true power.
Abuse, Relationships, Self-love, Break up, Bullying, Domestic violence, Empowerment, Relationship problems
Understanding in relationships – how judgement contributes to abuse
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about judgement and abuse and how understanding in relationships is the greatest form of Love we can share.
Serge Benhayon TV – Domestic violence: a modern plague
In this revealing interview Serge Benhayon sets the bar for decency way above what we have made ‘normal’ in this current climate of abuse and the modern plague of domestic violence.
Self-worth, Abuse, Anti-social behaviour, Gender equality, Emotions, Love, Relationship problems
Healing childhood sexual abuse: impact on pregnancy, birth & mothering
Motherhood presents women with opportunities way beyond simply having a baby. What gifts could true empowerment offer, especially for mothers who have experienced childhood sexual abuse?
Motherhood, Self-empowerment, Abuse, Birth, Children, Pregnancy
Made in His image
Many religions say man is made in God’s image, but have we taken this too literally? Do we use this to justify many ungodly behaviours?
The bully
If a bully wins a fight and controls people by fear, what kind of world is it we live in? From school yard bullying to global corruption, what happens when we let ill-energy run our lives?
My experience of abuse and self-abuse
One woman’s journey from abuse and self-abuse to re-connection with her essence.
Abortion in Northern Ireland; Breaking free from the gags of silence
What developed nation still maintains that a woman should be jailed for life for having an abortion? Eunice Minford speaks out against an abuse of women that continues to be inscribed in law.
Serge Benhayon TV – Religion, Co-existence and the Science of Reflection
What is the true nature of religion and how can there ever be a relationship between religion and violence? How we can live together and how does this apply to life through the Science of Reflection.
Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Harmony, Evolution, Brotherhood, Healthy relationships
Alcohol – a scourge on society?
We know the dangers of alcohol use, and its ripple effects on society, so why is it we continue to drink it?
A woman’s worth at work
Job interviews, salary negotiations, pay, promotion, women taking up leadership positions – when it comes to all this, how come so many women in the workplace suffer external disadvantage hinged by internal lack of self-worth?
What does it mean to live a comfortable life and how could that possibly be deeply harmful?
Evil is anything that separates us from whom we truly are.
Cyber-bullying and politicians
Tanya Curtis explores how cyber-bullying in politicians is accepted as normal and the impact this is having on our policies.
Teenage aggressive bullying, breaking the cycle of abuse.
There are many parents who are living with aggressive, angry and abusive teenagers. However, this is not who they actually are. Many teenage boys don’t know how to be themselves as they try to fit in with everything around them.
Bullying, Love, Abuse, Connection, Role models, Anxiety, Hurt, Depression
The sexualisation of the young – learning a Social Script through pornography and the rise of new sexual and reproductive health issues
Do you think porn is ‘in’ and a modern way to learn about sex? Just have a look at the new sexual and reproductive health issues and you will see a subscription to abuse and violence.
Abuse – A matter in our own hands
Abuse – a matter in our hands: is it possible that the choices we make in our everyday life impact all of society? And if so, can we start to make different choices?
Sex Education – where are we at?
Where are we heading to if our tech savvy and well-informed young live by a sense of sexual normality that is based on abuse and violence?
Men share on their first experience with porn
Five men share their first experience with pornography, and how it affected their lives
What if self-care was the foundation of sex education?
Responding or reacting? Sex and relationship education within the bigger picture of true wellbeing in life.
Relationships, Intimacy, Making love, Self-love, Education, Abuse
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about Anxiety
Watch this short video on the cause of anxiety. It can help to revisit the feelings from the trauma or terror and know you can survive them.
Abuse, Anxiety, Confidence, Emotions, Feelings, Healing, Overwhelm
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Abuse, Alcohol, Hardness, Career, Healthy relationships, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Women's health, Relationship problems
Twelve years in the education freezer: do we ever get out?
Did school feel like a prison to you when you were there? Do you want this same thing for your kids? It doesn’t have to be this way.
Ball games for kids: Co-operative learning or a not-so-healthy competitive race?
From a cooperative ball game to chaos and competition: a classic situation that many of us accept as normal played out in front of my eyes at my daughter’s school. Is competition truly healthy for our kids?
Gender based violence – where does it begin? Do we really want to know?
What is a man of true quality? If violence has no true value then there cannot be any truth in making violence a core characteristic of predominant masculine identities.
Domestic violence, Parenting, Raising children, Gender equality, Education, Behaviour, Abuse, Gender
We are not our hurts
We are not the hurts we have experienced but are whole and healthy beings who can live with joy. Read Jean’s article on letting go of our hurts.
Confidence, Relationships, Love, Anxiety, Rejection, Abuse, Connection, Hurt
Women and subtle abuse in relationships
Domestic violence is at unacceptable levels globally, but what about the more ‘subtle’ abuse in relationships, for isn’t abuse, abuse?
Abuse, Relationships, Behaviour, Domestic violence, Relationship problems
Does a lack of self-worth in women result in the abuse of men?
We’ve heard a lot about men abusing women, but ladies – how does our lack of self-worth abuse men?
Abuse, Self-worth, Relationships, Healthy relationships, Empowerment
‘Treat them mean keep them keen’ – why do mean guys get the girls?
Why do women discount tender, gentle men in favour of tough, cool, mean and unreachable ones when it comes to relationships?
Abuse, Healthy relationships, Intimacy, Self-worth, Relationships
The Merchant of Venice and the ancient grudge
Is The Merchant of Venice ‘the most scandalously problematic of Shakespeare’s plays’, or a powerful, comical, vivacious, colourful expose of the turbulent state of division in which humanity still chooses to live to this current day?
Brotherhood, Religion, Abuse, Persecution, Wisdom, Illusion, Evolution
Men and abuse
Why do men abuse themselves and those closest to them? For some men abuse is just part of their day to day lives and the behaviour they use as a result of not living who they truly are.
Pornography and the ‘theft’ of our true essence
What is the energy behind the addiction to pornography… and other addictions for that matter?
Everything in moderation – how we fake being alright
Everything in moderation, what is that? A ‘truth’ we live by or a cunning deception to shut down our awareness?
Is masculinity ‘the best a man can get’!?
From the buzzword of toxic masculinity and #metoo and a controversial razor advert, let’s uncover more about the truth of who men are as we reveal why a solution driven approach won’t give us the love and equality we seek.
An understanding of the effects of Toxic Masculinity
Toxic masculinity is a phrase that is being more commonly used in recent times. What does it mean and how are men responding to these models of masculinity that are negatively affecting their lives in so many ways.
One of the most fundamental teachings one can ever be exposed to is the difference between spirit and Soul… so what is the difference?
Unimedpedia, God, Illusion, Soul, Abuse
The impact of the human voice
Our Audio of the Month for August 2020 looks at the subject of abuse and how we can feel physically knocked by words.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – A man’s perspective
This in depth article looks at the facts as well as the factors that contribute to this global crisis for women.
Abuse, Feminism, Gender equality, Nurturing, Pain, Supremacy
Yoga – the heart of union for our world
How do we begin to address abuse in the world and in our own backyards ... and what has this got to do with the Soul, our true essence?
How many of us truly know and live the sacredness we all innately are? Find out more about sacredness and how to reconnect to and live it in our everyday lives.
Abuse, Cycles, Evolution, God, Role models, Sacredness, Soul, Spirit
Free love and war
Men are conditioned to accept pornography at a young age, but does it have to be that way?
Family Crime
Home sweet home – how sweet is it? Is family a place of nurturance and love, or a hive of abuse?
Boys and pack energy
Why do boys change behaviour dramatically when around other boys?
Our struggle with body image
What is it that drives us to feel compelled to remodel and even disfigure our bodies?
Abuse, Appreciation, Body image, Connection, Family, Joy, Soul, Tattoos
Sticks & stones…words will never hurt me
Bullying, verbal banter and verbal abuse is something that as men we experience frequently from young and yet it is rarely spoken about. In fact it is considered a rite of passage and normal male behaviour.
No baby is born abusive!
The beginning is a very good place to start when we have a problem or an issue that needs attention, and the rise of the many abhorrent forms of abuse in the world is definitely one such issue that needs urgent attention.
Breaking the cycle of workplace bullying and harassment
No one likes to be bullied or harassed, yet this is exactly what most of us will experience or witness at some stage of our working lives. What difference can we make?
The key to love is letting love in
In our Audio of the Month for February 2023 Serge Benhayon presents what true love is all about and why we stay longer in an abusive relationship than a loving one.
Don’t blow your top, blow the model
We are super universal human beings that know no harm, so how did we get to the situation where we demand the right to abuse? Find out in our October 2023 Audio of the Month.
The evil of tolerance
In our January 2024 Audio of the Month find out why tolerance is not the good thing that we have been sold it is, but something that is harmful.