Topic:Relationships SEE ALL TOPICS
Relationship Groups, Presentations And Workshops
Relationship Groups, Presentations and Workshops offered by Universal Medicine
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
A school camp reflection: Using nature as a classroom
What happens when educator Brianna Croke takes a group of eleven incredible teenage girls of all personalities, differences and flairs on a three-day school camp?
Learning to trust again
Are we letting past hurts prejudice all our relationships? Our Audio of the Month for March 2017 presents the importance of learning to trust again.
Relationship or arrangement, what is the difference?
There is an old saying, you can never have too many friends, however when it comes to relationships it is all about quality, not quantity. The difference between a relationship and an arrangement becomes apparent when we start to reveal these qualities.
Starting a new relationship - the pictures we hold
This article exposes that we hold pictures of how a new partner/relationship should be. It explores that by first developing a loving relationship with ourselves there is a possibility that our relationships and our connection with others can be very different
I realised there was another way to live my life
Joel’s experience discovering the Sacred Esoteric Healing modality and a new way of living and working.
Obesity, Cancer, Dementia, Stillness, Tenderness, Relationships
The beauty of loving women. Women loving and honouring women is a lost art – be reminded how glorious it is.
This article gently talks us through what has gotten in the way of women loving women and how we can support each other to bring back our true sense of self-worth that we all innately know but often can’t connect to.
Self-love, Relationships, Sexiness, Confidence, Women's health
Building a nest
This true story shares how the writer changed the way he worked from working to support his habits, where life had no meaning, to truly loving work.
In a nutshell – going deeper into the truth of who I am
Serge Benhayon’s books have been the chief source of reading that has supported a new quality of life as a call to go even deeper into the truth about who I am
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
Healing, Awareness, Exhaustion, Relationships, Vitality, Practitioner, Body awareness
Why we don’t let love in
Continuing the Valentine’s Day theme from last month, for March 2015 we have chosen an awesome audio all about love and why we sometimes avoid letting it in.
How men and women avoid being the love that they are
Our Audio of the month for December 2015 is a revelatory presentation on how and why we avoid the love that we already are and seek love instead outside ourselves.
Living harmoniously with your partner 24/7
Our February 2016 Audio of the month looks at what really goes on in our relationships and why so many have trouble living harmoniously 24/7 with each other.
Pain during sex – what might this be telling you?
This article discusses painful sex – being a common but not openly discussed problem for many women. There is information available on ‘coping mechanisms’, but what might be the root cause of pain during sex? Is pain during sex something to deny, or ‘cope’ with or instead a call to stop, review and develop a more honest and trusting way of being with our partners, shedding light on how we ‘make love’.
Sex, Making love, Health conditions, Relationships, Pain, Intimacy
Women’s pictures and expectations on relationships
Do you find you have pictures and expectations around what you require from your partner, be that in a marriage or other types of relationship? What are the impacts of our pictures on our relationships and our understanding of love?
Marriage, Relationships, Expression, Self-worth, Relationship problems
Choosing a relationship with alcohol or me
My relationship with alcohol started when I was very young…
What is addiction and why do we become addicted?
Explanation of addiction and the abuse of substances or activities as a way of self-medicating against life.
Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Anxiety, Connection, Awareness, Relationships
Considering internet dating for beautiful mature women
If you are a mature single woman and would like to meet a man but haven’t considered internet dating websites, read this article to see why it might be the way to go.
Why and how do we have loneliness in relationships?
Rebecca Asquith interviews experienced Relationship Counsellors Annette and Gabe about loneliness in relationships.
Counseling, Self-esteem, Loneliness, Relationships, Emotions
Knowing I was gay
From five years old I had a knowing that I was gay and I also knew it would be something I lived later in life. At the time I didn't know how, I just knew that it was there inside of me and that it was a natural part of who I was.
Intimacy, Same sex relationships, Love, Relationships, Clairsentience, Evolution
Love is all around us if we see, hear and feel it
When we are looking for others to love us back ‘our way’ we often actually miss the fact of love being expressed all around us.
Developing communication in your relationships
How can we bring understanding to each other and be true and authentic in how we communicate? In this short video Annette and Gabe beautifully share and demonstrate from their own relationship how important it is to ‘have each other's back’ and support one another to raise the level of how we can express clearly and lovingly.
When everyone wants to be loved and adored why do we settle for less than that?
Every interaction is a relationship that has the potential for learning and revitalising, so how do we bring the responsibility and invaluable truth of this into our most intimate relationships to keep them from stagnating?
How do you have communication without reaction?
When conflict happens in our relationship are we able to express how we are feeling in moments of potential confrontation?
Communication, Conflict, Love, Connection, Relationships, Tension
We are already everything
If we are already everything then why would we need to better ourselves? Find out just how amazing you are in our December 2016 Audio of the Month.
Making a relationship about true love
Annette and Gabrielle are the “real deal” – couples counsellors who live together in a truly loving and harmonious relationship. Their relationship was not always so great and in this presentation they share with us many practical and amusing tips and insights into how they got to where they are today.
Do we choose loneliness?
If you have ever been lonely then you know that the feeling of isolation literally shuts out the world. In this article we look at what may lie underneath the loneliness we feel.
Relationship games – fear of losing love
What happens when we protect ourselves from the pain of losing love in relationships.
How we start relationships
Relationships form so easily in our early years. Why does it become more difficult as we move into adult lives? Beautifully expressed, this article reminds us of the innocence we had as children in connecting to others and how we can re-establish that simplicity into our lives today
Online dating tips
Wise words for women on how to get started with internet dating in a practical, supportive and self-empowering way.
Internet dating, Self-empowerment, Communication, Relationships
How to be safe dating online
Karin Becker, an experienced user of online dating, discusses the pros and cons and how she has learned to stay safe.
Fairy-Tales - why a romantic relationship is so hard to find
Seeking true love from a romantic relationship – a Fairy-Tale romance - is a game of pretend. Has our perception of relationships been corrupted by romantic fiction? Read this article on how we have been duped
Sex versus making love – an older woman’s perspective!
I am now 70 and in the last few years I have come to know the difference between having sex and making love, knowing that unlike having sex, there is no beginning or end to making love.
Are we alone? An inner space program for the lonely planet
Are we alone in the universe? Is there something awry in our relationship to space? Right on our front doorstep there is a space frontier, that leaves nobody behind, which we have yet to fully explore. What about Inner Space?
Universe, Inner-heart, Relationships, Planets, Philosophy, Humanity, Connection
Understanding – is this the key to sharing our greatest form of Love?
Serge Benhayon shares with us the value of truly being able to understand other people without any judgment. The impact and affect on our relationships of true understanding is transformative beyond anything we can imagine and is the gateway to true Love. Understanding is the greatest form of Love.
Abuse, Couples therapy, Relationships, Relationship problems
Building relationships based on true intimacy and love
What have we set as our definition of intimacy, and who is and isn’t included in those parameters?
Letting people in
I remember being very little, and just loving people and letting people in – meaning, letting them into my heart and being open and transparent and letting them see all of me.
Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Intimacy, Loneliness, Relationships
The art of meeting someone
Enjoy and discover the power of presenting yourself just as you are in our March 2018 Audio of the Month.
Co-dependency aka ‘Pretzelling’ or the compulsion to comply
Watch this entertaining video on co-dependent relationship problems
Acceptance, Behaviour, Performance anxiety, Rejection, Relationships, Tension, Awareness
Letting go of the past is true medicine
What role does judgment play in our lives? If we keep meeting friends, family and work colleagues with a perception of their past baggage and hurts, then what kind of relationships are we creating and holding ourselves to?
Self-loathing and low self-esteem
Have you noticed just how much we use self loathing to reject ourselves? It seems that to have low self-esteem, low self-worth and to actively engage in self-loathing is absolutely acceptable in society, that it’s a ‘normal part of life’. How did that happen?
Self-esteem, Rejection, Appreciation, Behaviour, Relationships, Self-worth
Rainbows: a reflection of how we relate to each other
Humanity is one spectrum just like the colours of the rainbow. So how can there be comparison and jealousy in our relationships?
Acceptance, Wisdom, Healthy relationships, Humanity, Relationships
Working together – Group work: Part 1
We work as teams and groups for much of our working lives - why is it important to consider the way our teams and groups function? Is it possible that the way we work in teams or groups has a wider impact than we realise?
Teamwork, Relationships, Productivity, Humanity, Heart disease, Communication
Working together – Group work: Part 2
How we work in groups and the importance of group work has a wider impact than we may realise. This article looks at the ripple effect of working in groups and how all groups need each other for the wider whole.
What happens when we hold back the love that we are?
In this Audio of the Month for February 2021 Serge Benhayon presents why we go into relationships and the truth of what we are actually seeking.
Esoteric Teachings and Revelations – An oracle for life
A testimonial on Book 7, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations by Shevon Simon.
The Roseto Effect – A lesson on the true cause of heart disease
The Roseto Effect was a study conducted in the 1950s that has the potential to blow the lid on the true cause of heart disease. Yet the question remains, why has this study not changed the way we think about heart disease?
Living life fully and simply
A testimonial by Susan Lee on Serge Benhayon’s book The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy.
From holding myself back to wonderful changes
Serge Benhayon's books present a profound philosophical journey, cutting through the confusion of life to offer a simple basic way of living that I consider very beneficial and worthwhile.
Building true relationships
Released in February 2015, the month of Valentine’s Day, this profound and yet highly entertaining audio provides us with practical tips on how to bring greater love into our relationships with partners, children and family.
Looking for love (The Techno Connection)
We are all looking for love and connection… can we find it at techno parties?
Connection, Music, Love, Alcohol, Drugs, Relationships, Inner-heart
Love has no limits
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we have chosen an Audio of the Month for February 2019 that offers us limitless love.
Expressing love in same sex relationships
Expressing love in a same sex relationship is something natural, and a natural part of being human. To want to share love deeply and express sexually is a natural feeling in relationships and needn’t alter or become an issue if the individuals are of the same sex.
Change the meaning of love and see what happens
Find out what happens when we reinterpret the meaning of just one word – it makes for a fascinating case study and a big eye opener.
Saying I love you
Love me? Love me not? What are we really saying when we say “I love you”. Find out with our February 2018 Audio of the Month in time for Valentine’s Day!
When truth comes along…
Truth comes with a livingness, with a lived way. If it is just talk and not lived it only holds a potential of truth that has to yet prove if it can persevere.
Livingness, Truth, Philosophy, Responsibility, Corruption, Relationships
Men Audio
A collection of free audio and quotes for real men and their friends!
Free downloads, Essence, Behaviour, Health, Relationships, Gender, Body image
Marriage equality – What’s love got to do with it?
Marriage Equality – Why aren’t we making it about Love?
Marriage, Acceptance, Gay, Relationships, Same sex relationships, Weddings
Awareness is the key to love
Does an ever-expanding love and truly joyful relationship interest you? If so our February 2017 Audio of the Month is for you.
When you say 'I love you', does it come with love?
“I love you” – what do those three little words really mean?
Psychology Audio
Is there more to life than meets the eye? Yes there is! This collection of audios offers us a deeper understanding of everyday life and how to be with and live in it.
Psychology, Relationships, Acceptance, Anxiety, Appreciation, Confidence, Empowerment, Essence
What is science?
How it's meaning has changed, where modern science is and what is missing from modern science today.
Nostalgia and regret – where is the love?
The ideal of romantic love – does it set us up for regret and nostalgia that could stunt our true love for all?
I’m a dad ... How do I show affection to my teenage daughter?
Puberty can be a difficult time for both fathers and daughters. This article offers support for fathers in understanding why they can often feel uncomfortable and how they can be with their daughters through puberty, with the continued flowing affection their ‘little girls’ may have grown up with.
Abuse, Confidence, Mental health, Parenting, Raising children, Relationships
Sex vs making love – is there a difference?
Is it possible to make love without having sex? Can you make love all day long? ... And what does a ‘healthy’ love life actually look like? Kyla* doesn't hold back in this cutting edge article on the topic.
Making love vs having sex 101
The way you live outside of the bedroom can have a profound effect on your quality of intimate contact, transforming easy to come by sex with a profoundness of truly making love.
What is true love?
What if true love is actually the opposite of what we think it is?
What happens to your dog when you are Love?
National Dog Day - your dog will thank you for listening to this free audio.
The difference between sex & making love – part 1
You may have come to a place where you feel that sex as you know it is not all it was cracked up to be. You are not alone, many women and men feel the same way.
Corruption and consumer demand in the food industry - Part 1
What’s fuelling corruption in our food industry?
Like Footprints in the Sand
Just as we can leave imprints in the sand, how we live leaves an imprint on others that remains. How far reaching and how long lasting are these imprints?
Accountability, Awareness, Behaviour, Lifestyle, Presence, Relationships
The difference between sex & making love – part 2
If we can identify that there is a difference between sex and making love, and we want to experience the possibility of making love, how do we start to make the change?
A deeper look at contraction In relationships
How do we stay with love when one person in a relationship loses their way, is not themselves, or feels out of sorts and contracted, withdrawn or disconnected? In this short video Annette and Gabe present a way forward on this challenging subject that all relationships come up against.
Relationships, Acceptance, Healthy relationships, Love, Self-love, Confidence, Relationship problems
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Brotherhood, Harmony, Livingness, Relationships, Supremacy
Beyond Valentine’s Day
Scratch beneath the surface of Valentine's Day and there is a desert of broken hearts and smashed lives – is this love?
Love is ...
Have you ever been posed the question, ‘what is love?’ It’s an age-old question and one that is still consistently and frequently asked. So why is it we are still asking and how is it that we don’t know?
The price of being the berry on the blancmange
A personal and insightful article about healing from the anxiety of being controlled by the smothering demands of a needy mother.
Anxiety, Awareness, Feelings, Healing, Psychology, Relationships
Heaven’s Joy – 'Love Is Who We Are' album review
The inspirational album 'Love Is Who We Are' by German band ‘Heavens Joy’ offers the opportunity to connect with great music and the joy of simply feeling the beautiful qualities of who we naturally are.
Confidence in social situations
A former fitness instructor shares how she has learnt to be herself while with others, a natural way of being we are born with.
There’s always Tinder . . .
Millennials and Tinder – the price may be your sensitivity. Do apps like Tinder lead to casual sex that numbs our finer feelings?
Technology, Sex, Relationships, Lifestyle, Accountability, Relationship problems
Being right versus living in Harmony, Joy, Stillness, Truth and Love
For more loving and harmonious relationships read this article on letting go of being right. Surrendering to the us rather than arguing over who’s right or wrong can lead to joy and harmony.
Am I in the right job?
We can spend years searching or yearning for the ‘perfect’ job, or even something with more meaning, more purpose. What if the job we’re in is that job?
The silent abuse – leaving an abusive marriage
Emotional abuse is subtle and easier to push aside because there are no obvious bruises, yet it is equally as crushing as physical abuse. One woman’s story of leaving behind an abusive relationship and claiming back her true power.
Abuse, Relationships, Self-love, Break up, Bullying, Domestic violence, Empowerment, Relationship problems
Books for every day
If seeking universal truth and wisdom to help find your way home, Serge Benhayon’s books are for you. They are a must for every day, a great bedtime read and offer a rich understanding of life.
Self-care and people: how connection transforms the way you work
Ray Graham, an Apple Computer Support Technician, shares his experience of how connecting with people and making that his first priority before ‘fixing problems’ has completely transformed the way he works.
Understanding in relationships – how judgement contributes to abuse
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about judgement and abuse and how understanding in relationships is the greatest form of Love we can share.
Rejection and relationships
How do you deal with rejection? Are you rejected by others first, or do you actually set yourself up to be rejected?
Acceptance, Healthy relationships, Rejection, Relationships, Self-love
A day with Serge Benhayon
What stands out spending any amount of time with Serge Benhayon is the endless supply of energy this man has to draw from.
Work life balance, Livingness, Performance management, Practitioner, Relationships, Retirement, Therapies
Heaven’s Joy
The band ‘Heaven’s Joy’ began to play together a few years ago after years of experience in the music industry playing with various artists. Their amazing new album ‘Love Is Who We Are ’ is available through
Music, Relationships, Musicians, Harmony, Connection, Livingness
Corruption and consumer demand in the food industry - Part 2
What do we seek from food? How can we have more understanding around our relationship with food?
Why work? What is work about?
Discussing the purpose of work, from aeons ago, to this modern age. Have we lost a sense of purpose and commitment about work, and more so, have we lost our true love and joy of work?
Connecting with people: a vital part of self-care
Ray Graham shares his experience of what self-care means to him and how it has changed from withdrawing from people to connecting and building relationships as a vital part of his health and well-being.
What is energetic awareness and why do we fight it?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Raising children, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, Universe
Serge Benhayon, relationships and marriage
I was never into the idea of ‘marriage’; my attitude was – I’m independent, what is the point? Then, listening to a presentation by Serge Benhayon, I heard him talk about marriage in a way that I had never heard anyone talk about marriage before.
Evolution, Relationships, Joy, Truth, Weddings, Body awareness
Why are we so reactive?
Description of the energetic process when we choose to respond from our hearts instead of reacting from our defences
Books which deepen us into our awareness
A spherical, profound and sustained expansion in awareness is available to anyone who chooses to not shy away from the true inspiration on every page written by Serge Benhayon.
Embracing the hug
When it comes to hugging, do you embrace it or does it scare you to your inner core? A hug can tell us more in three seconds than half an hour of dialogue could ever accomplish.
Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Connection, Expression, Relationships, Tenderness
International day of friendship – July 30th
What builds true friendship?
Self-care and managing people: how the two go hand-in-hand
Kate Gamble, a General Manager in Marketing, shares how self-care has supported her to let go of the pressures and expectations to perform, allowing her to build more loving, connected relationships with people at work.
Let's talk about porn
We have made porn normal but is it really? Max asks some rather pressing questions about an industry that is now as accessible as home delivered pizza – and is probably unhealthier for our being.
Connection, Feelings, Intimacy, Making love, Pornography, Relationships
My relationship with women – a man’s perspective
Andrew Mooney spent his life rejecting the stereotypical image of a man most of us are sold. But in time he realised that who he had become was not exactly embracing true manhood either. This is his story….
Esoteric Women's Health, Couples therapy, Dating, Divorce, Feminism, Gender equality, Healthy relationships, Relationships, Sacredness, Tenderness, Gender
Being Single – are we still special without that ‘special someone’?
An exposé on societal conventions to get ‘coupled up’ and ‘settled down’ – the not so subtle pressures that frequently play out in family situations and at dinner party conversations in true Bridget Jones’ Diary style.
Single, Relationships, Healthy relationships, Romance, Self-love
Observations exposing the myths surrounding single women
As the number of single women within society grows, it’s timely for us all to examine and expose some of the old stereotypes we may have accepted without question around singlehood, coupled relationships and women’s roles in life.
Sex Education – where are we at?
Where are we heading to if our tech savvy and well-informed young live by a sense of sexual normality that is based on abuse and violence?
What if self-care was the foundation of sex education?
Responding or reacting? Sex and relationship education within the bigger picture of true wellbeing in life.
Relationships, Intimacy, Making love, Self-love, Education, Abuse
"Stronger" – Glorious Music Video
A song for everyone, ‘Stronger’ presents an inspiring message supporting girls and women to choose the inner strength that exists within them, to deal with the pressures faced in our world today.
Appreciation, Empowerment, Music videos, Anxiety, Relationships, Rejection, Free downloads
The Ageless Wisdom Teaching on relationship and the Science of Reflection
We are in relationship with everything and everyone all of the time and through this we are offered myriad reflections. This article reveals the challenging yet divinely powerful Science of Reflection.
Tension, Stillness, Sacredness, Relationships, Harmony, Ageless Wisdom, Connection
Mainstreaming porn – who is truly educating our kids?
The mass media makes massive profit mainstreaming porn through every corner of society. Does it affect our children to be educated and constantly exposed to pornographic imagery and does that make sexually charged situations become “normal”?
Competition or connection: What are students really learning?
We often use the phrase ‘healthy competition’ but how ‘healthy’ is it? What if children are receiving another message from the pressure of ‘winning and striving to be the best’, that has a significant impact on their wellbeing?
Anxiety, Connection, Relationships, Self-esteem, Teamwork, Teachers
The power of relationship in the classroom
True intelligence and enjoyable learning springs out of the connection and relationship between teacher and student. Without this spark of connection the student will remain outside of true relationship with what they are learning.
The beauty of being single
Women are legally free to be single, but this freedom has yet to dispel underlying assumptions imposed upon single women
Internet dating, Loneliness, Single, Relationships, Self-worth
Single by choice – does it really exist?
If we understand that relationships are about love, first and foremost – what if we choose to be single while we connect to the love within ourselves first?
The Ring – Part 1: Our fascination with weddings and rings
This four part series explores our expensive and cruel fascination with rings, weddings and the pressure, status and emotional security behind the sparkle.
Examining rewards in the classroom: Do they truly support the student?
Do classroom rewards truly support children or do they set in motion ill patterns that they will carry with them throughout life . . . a forever seeking outside themselves for reinforcement and gratification?
Children, Education, Raising children, Relationships, Teachers
The Ring – Part 2: Ideals, profits and pressure
This second article in a 4 part series, The Ring, explores the volatile monetary and emotional value of engagement rings and the sticky obligation and manufactured need behind them.
The Ring – Part 3: Wedding proposal fantasies
This third article in a 4 part series, The Ring, explores the fantasies that feed our ideals of the perfect proposal and the prize of a more-expensive-the-better engagement ring at the expense of true intimacy and connection.
The Ring – Part 4: Surrender, responsibility and love
This final article in a 4 part series, The Ring, asks if beyond commercial and emotional interests, does the ring have a true place in a marriage proposal and the rituals of commitment and marriage?
We are not our hurts
We are not the hurts we have experienced but are whole and healthy beings who can live with joy. Read Jean’s article on letting go of our hurts.
Confidence, Relationships, Love, Anxiety, Rejection, Abuse, Connection, Hurt
Women and subtle abuse in relationships
Domestic violence is at unacceptable levels globally, but what about the more ‘subtle’ abuse in relationships, for isn’t abuse, abuse?
Abuse, Relationships, Behaviour, Domestic violence, Relationship problems
Does a lack of self-worth in women result in the abuse of men?
We’ve heard a lot about men abusing women, but ladies – how does our lack of self-worth abuse men?
Abuse, Self-worth, Relationships, Healthy relationships, Empowerment
‘Treat them mean keep them keen’ – why do mean guys get the girls?
Why do women discount tender, gentle men in favour of tough, cool, mean and unreachable ones when it comes to relationships?
Abuse, Healthy relationships, Intimacy, Self-worth, Relationships
Beyond the sheets. Exploring our relationship with love, sex and intimacy
A gay man’s reflection on a time when he fell in love with a woman and found himself questioning love, sex and intimacy only to find that love had nothing to do with sexuality or gender, discovering that love can exist with anyone.
Is making love more than just sex?
We seem to have always equated the term ‘making love’ to actually having sex. What if there is way more to this term than just the physical act – what would this look like in day-to-day life?
Talking about suicide is a great start. Let's explore further.
Suicide is no longer the taboo topic it once was, and the problem of suicide, particularly amongst men, is now widely acknowledged, with a public campaign in full swing to encourage men to speak up. This is a great start, but what is really going on?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Relationships, Self-worth, Tension
Game changer – how to overcome the fear of rejection
In the game of rejection, who are the players, what are their objectives, what is the ultimate outcome and what if there was nothing to fear? Here we explore the rules of engagement, why the game is played and how we might overcome our fear.
Acceptance, Appreciation, Bullying, Confidence, Rejection, Relationships, Self-worth
Making choices around unplanned pregnancy
How do we work through the challenging decisions we face when an unplanned pregnancy occurs? The way in which we process this experience is crucial so that we can avoid the turmoil or blame, and simply look at what is there to be looked at, and feel the truth that arises…
There is nothing more sexy than making love
I used to think I was pretty sexy… but I have come to learn that there is nothing more sexy than making love…
Looking for love in all the wrong places: before and after casual sex
From a very young age all I wanted when I grew up was to find love, be married and have six sons. But through a series of events, that dream was shattered and I started looking for love in all the wrong places.
Desire is a seeking of individuality
What do Desire, Sympathy, Anger, Happiness and Isolation all have in common? Find out more in our short and insightful Audio of the Month for May 2017.
Esoteric Connective Tissue – a powerful healing modality for my body and me
Having lived with constant tension and pain in her body, Donna’s testimonial describes how Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy supported her to develop a more loving connection and relationship with her body.
Young men and the pressure around sex
Why do young boys feel that they know nothing when it comes to sex, yet it appears everyone else around them knows it all? In this audio three men discuss the pressures they faced when it came to having sex for the first time.
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
Supply and Demand of the sex robot
With a massive rise in porn and the billion dollar sex-tech industry, it’s time to look at why many of us are running from true intimacy and love with another. Why do we choose sex and stimulation over making love and evolution?
Shining a light on the BIG questions of life
If you want answers to the Big Questions that we ask about the meaning of life, this is the book for you. Through the art of parables we gain insight into the simplicity and grandness behind the seeming complications we so readily subscribe to in daily life.
Are we trading sex for love?
We live in a society where sex is often used as a measure of our worth and proof that we are loved. But if it was as straightforward as that, why are so many people in romantic relationships feeling empty and loveless?
Our worldwide epidemic of loneliness and social isolation
It is no wonder we have societies around the world feeling lonely when we live a life disconnected to God and to ourselves.
Dating – It’s not about getting a partner
Are we missing out on the experience that dating offers by focussing on getting a partner as if it is the trophy, the end result of dating? What if there was so much more on offer if we allowed ourselves to not be looking at a ‘final destination’?
Ever reacted? This fun, practical, revelatory conversation is for you!
Have you ever felt how harmful and exhausting reactions are? Would you like to free yourself from the chains and imposition of reactions? This wonderful audio conversation covers that and more.
Anxiety, Behaviour, Emotions, Livingness, Relationships, Responsibility
Everyone is an authority on life
Find out how and why you are an expert and can present on any topic of life!
You can hide but you can’t run
What do we have to learn from the ‘hikikomori’ of Japan? Could they be showing us that we have taken the current model of life too far?
Your intimate relationship with the Universe
Looking out at the majesty of nature and the universe is something most of us dearly love. But have you considered why this is the case? Why we feel so deeply touched by a sunset or the stars?
The World of Relationships
We find ourselves in all sorts of relationships, some amazing and others tricky to navigate. What if there is something bigger being asked of us when it comes to the world of relationships?
The why of relationships
We are schooled that we can only have one or a few special relationships. But why accept this when we can instead open up to the possibility of every relationship?
Justified and Ancient: unearthing the roots of human insecurity
We live in a highly manipulated, insecure world, where justification of who and what we are is mandatory and normalised.
The Great Wall – and not of China or any other country
Built over many cycles of time, not in a faraway land but right here. Ready to be taken down – whenever we are.
Healthy relationships, Hurt, Loneliness, Love, Relationships
What is the defining factor in the quality of a relationship?
Given the many relationships we have in life, how mastered are we with the quality of those relationships? And where does God fit in?
Domestic violence, Family, Marriage, Parenting, Relationships
What hurts more than the hurt?
This person did this or that and we got hurt by it. Our February 2024 Audio of the Month, reveals that the damage and hurt may be something else altogether.
Magnetic pulls versus the law of attraction
In our Audio of the Month for September 2024 Serge Benhayon presents how you don’t have to wait for something beautiful to happen in your life. Become more love and it naturally happens!
Embracing being the black sheep of the family
The stigma of being the black sheep in the family is debilitating for many people right around the world – but is there another way to consider what this tag is really representative of to everyone around them?